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ebrownzzz t1_ja7zjg4 wrote

great game, that 5th biome though...


PrincessMonopoke t1_ja81n4t wrote

For realio...>! I finally got through it and was kinda disappointed there wasn't a boss for a split-second, but then I was like, "Thank goodness....get me outta this frozen hell!!!" !<


LuckyPerro123 t1_ja81fiv wrote

HONESTLY. When I first played the game, I actually gave up on it for a while because of the fifth biome. Interestingly enough though, When I came back eventually, I got through it on like my second try. Thankfully the devs knew not to put a boss in that biome


Cashmere306 t1_jabu4z0 wrote

I'm mid 40s and it took me 2 tries to beat it. Unbelievably difficult.


bobdole3-2 t1_ja83gcy wrote

The second run of the first biome (so that's 4th, right?) is what always got me. Damn jungle.


BoatsnGoals1 t1_ja9yip1 wrote

The 3rd biome was a huge wall for me. Took me months, then, once I got past it, I beat the game in one sitting.

Some weapons are REAL useless.


thetasigma_1355 t1_jaalp5n wrote

> Some weapons are REAL useless.

That was my biggest complaint. There were a couple weapons that were way more powerful than the others and didn’t require any special build or play style change.

Still a very good game and a recommendation for most people


garteninc t1_jacq7jg wrote

After unlocking a good amount of perks for all the different weapons, I really wanna disagree.

The only weapon that falls off a bit later is the carbine, probably to balance out the leech perk. MAYBE the spitmaw, as the game throws so many flying enemies at you. Overall I think the the weapon variety and perks are great!