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FLHCv2 t1_j3nfql0 wrote

>What games would even require two controllers?

Completely not on topic but I fucking hate how the gaming industry successfully made it almost a requirement that it's 1 person per console if you want to game with friends or family.

Have two kids that are heavy gamers that want to play games with each other? Two PS5s.


nohumanape t1_j3ngqw8 wrote

As someone else pointed out to me, fighting games (like Street Fighter) and sports games (like Madden and FIFA) still have local multiplayer. But that is a far cry from the olden days of local couch multiplayer or co-op. And none of these are split-screen.

It's really too bad, because those kinds of games were a ton of fun. I wonder if they will see a resurgence at some point in the future? Seems like something someone might tap into at some point and people go crazy for it in some way that results in a few fairly high profile games in a relitively short period of time.