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Winjin t1_iwv5nvm wrote

Yeah, that's my though process as well.

Maybe if the US is opposed, and China is angry, then combined they have enough force to push back. But if China or USA says "yeah that's perfect" then the last big market gates will fall


ackillesBAC t1_iwv7o3q wrote

doesnt matter if a country opposes it, or doesnt make their own legislation. Comes down to what will make the most money for the manufacture.


Hairy_Al t1_iwvd3ar wrote

>Comes down to what will make the most money for the manufacture.

Right. Even if China and the US say "use whatever, we don't care", no multi-national is going to lock themselves out of 2 billion+ potential customers.

If China and the US decide on a different, matching, standard, then there's a problem