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kplkqrthjklmnbtvcp t1_irofk8j wrote

They first said to contact a reseller. I then asked who, they pointed me at a distributor, who replied and said they only work with their resellers and aren’t involved in direct customer replacements. Back to Sony who were surprised, then suggested I look at the Sony website. The list consisted of a couple of companies that don’t exist any more, PC World, etc. contacting a few of the companies that did exist (eg lord electrical) no repairs.

As for replacing the battery, I don’t have the skills. Cutting into electronics isn’t my skill set.


AaddeMos t1_irwaznd wrote

Agreed. Once had to deal with Sony customer care. This was enough experience for me to never buy Sony again. They just ignore you and say the problem is not theirs to fix and leave you empty handed. Horrible customer service