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Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_j91f5lr wrote

Reply to comment by Skysis in Hot bacon [homemade] by Turtleramem

Baked in an oven is the only way to do it. 375f for 15-18 depending on crispiness.

And no splatter mess on the counter


invent_or_die t1_j91rm29 wrote

And it stays flat. Also, use cooling racks on the sheet to keep the bacon from sitting in grease.


glyneth t1_j93sekd wrote

We do 400F for 15, flip the bacon, and then back in for a long as needed to crisp up. Also start with a cold over to better render the fat!


ninjacereal t1_j91y2po wrote

I've never owned a Microwave until we bought a house last year, I always did bacon in the oven.

The microwave is just better.


WantedDadorAlive t1_j92hcal wrote

The what is just what???


ninjacereal t1_j92hn29 wrote

I said it. Microwaved bacon > Oven Baked > Air Fried > Pan Fried


Les-Freres-Heureux t1_j932ky8 wrote

I cant imagine bacon coming out of the microwave not still being raw


StabYourBloodIntoMe t1_j93jan6 wrote

It comes out fine if you want a couple pieces at a time and mic it long enough. A fucking waste of time though. Just slam a pound or two in the oven and use the microwave to reheat for a few seconds the next day.


glyneth t1_j93sikr wrote

Oven bacon was really good back when microwave ovens were huge and we could put a bacon rack in there. They’re now too small imo to do it well.


ninjacereal t1_j93xkdh wrote

It takes 3.5 minutes to have crispy microwave bacon, I do it ad hoc now (vs when I would oven bake two sheet pans to have cooked bacon for the week)