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BlueParrotfish t1_j6m887e wrote

Hi /u/Drippidy!

In order to explain this fact, we have to understand binding energy:

Probably the most famous equation in physics is E=mc². It tells us that mass is a form of energy and can, therefore, be transformed into other forms of energy (just like p.ex. movement energy can be transformed into thermal energy).

Atomic nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons. Protons hold positive charge and therefore repel each other. The reason why atomic nuclei can nevertheless be stable is, that they are held together by short-range attractive forces called the strong force and the weak force. If this sound confusing, your take-away should be that there are two kinds of forces in atomic nuclei, one kind is attractive and the other is replant. This pull-and-push game means, that there is one combination of protons and neutrons that form the most tightly bound nucleus: Iron. In iron, the attractive forces win against the repellent force by the largest margin, so to speak, forming the most tightly bound nucleus. All other combinations, i.e. nuclei that have both fewer or more protons and neutrons in the core, are less tightly bound than iron.

Therefore, very light nuclei, which have fewer particles in the nucleus than iron, get more stable by gaining protons and neutrons, while nuclei that are larger than iron get more stable by losing protons or neutrons. In physics, being stable is always associated with minimizing your potential energy, so the closer nuclei are to iron, the lower is their energy level. As iron is the most tightly bound nucleus, it is the most stable configuration. Therefore, fusing iron into heavier elements requires considerable energy to be put into the system, rather than gaining energy through fusion as is the case for lighter elements.


joeyo1423 t1_j6mgpql wrote

Does it happen anyway? I understand that it would take energy rather than give, but do the extreme conditions in the core of such a star cause the fusion to happen anyway and steal some of the stars energy?


Chromotron t1_j6mhn7u wrote

I have no idea why people down-voted you, this is a perfectly legitimate and pretty good question; some here are just jerks...

Yes, but rarely. And mostly at the end when the star is at its hottest in the center. I don't have numbers on how often it actually happens, but it definitely does.

At the most extreme end in particular, when a star goes supernova (not all do) it collapses so hard to its center that this creates extreme pressure and releases absurd amounts of energy. This fuses iron and all the other stuff beyond all limits; the energy is almost irrelevant, we are talking about hundreds of Earth masses(!!!) as pure energy. This is one of the two processes that creates the elements beyond iron in the amounts we find them (the other option are collisions of neutron stars).


ZackyZack t1_j6mh22c wrote

Supernovas do it all the time


joeyo1423 t1_j6mhcd0 wrote

That I do understand, but I wasn't sure if heavier elements fuse while the star is still active or if there is absolutely no fusion beyond iron until it blows up


rdrast t1_j6ouptd wrote

No, for our Sun-like stars, iron is their eventual death.


ShankThatSnitch t1_j6n37wf wrote

Explain it like I'm an astro-physicist...


Plastic_Wave t1_j6n6ffy wrote

Oh come on, a worst that was "explain it like I'm in highschool." It's a complicated question but the answer explained simply enough the complex ideas.

That has more to do with the question asked than the answer given


Atharaphelun t1_j6mmoe4 wrote

What happened to the "explain like I'm five" part?


BlueParrotfish t1_j6mnpu2 wrote

Hi /u/Atharaphelun!

The sidebar states:

>LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations - not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds.