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druppolo t1_iu53nhn wrote

It’s due to bad laws and information,

There is no set threshold or measure, all we get is “can” or “cannot” give cancer. And to be fair, bottle water can give you cancer.

The point missing in our information system and regulation system, is to give a measure to it. Like, bottle water causes cancer but it would take maybe 500 years on average to develop one. If you are still alive at 100+ years, I bet back pain is still a bigger issue than water cancer.

Whatever you cook until brown/black Is cancerous. But how much? If you eat overcooked steaks only, you will still die of other complications before colon cancer. You need to strike a good balance of bad food and good food to live long enough to care about colon cancer, then worse case it’s still less likely than a car crash.

So, ok, things can harm you, you should avoid them, but the information is a bit on the clickbait/boogeyman side. Which helps no one to make good decisions.

For comparison, something cancerous like asbestos, has a cancer rate of 10% of the people working sometimes with it, and almost 100% of the people working with asbestos the entire life AND being smokers. That’s pretty scary.

Cigarettes alone are not reaching a 30% cancer rate. In a lifetime.

Alcohol gives other life threats well before reaching cancer level.

Steaks? Way less a killer than air pollution.

You should worry about steaks a bit less than getting a flu or malaria. idk you, but I don’t wake up in the morning thinking “I’m gonna die if I get a flu”