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Inhabitedmind t1_itqkzul wrote

It just feels like they are becoming assholes over anything else. I know there is an issue and care about it but when they throw food on a painting I'm more inclined to do the opposite out of spite. Also just seems like some rich kids trying to be important, like TikTok trends. At least the ALS ice bucket challenge raised money for these issues instead of pissing people off.


SinisterCheese t1_itqq6o0 wrote

The thing is that anger is a powerful emotion - it makes people do things.

Tell me... Would you be for more consumption of oil products because of this event? Would you be for less use?

Because here is a thing: Disgust is a destructive emotion, it makes people do stupid things like protest fuel regulations by wasting fuel. Anger however flares up when they are at the pump fueling, it digs deep in to your psyche.

But lets analyze what you said just a bit more:

Is your problem with the act, or who did it? Would you be equally angry if a homeless person without a penny would do this same act for the same reason? Or is it because "Rich kids and tiktok trends"? Because I sense that your problem is more with class than the act.

But you fail to see the problem that they are trying to address since you admit that you know there is a problem. However there are plenty of people who don't.

Tell me: Is there a issue that you'd care so much about that as a protest you'd be willing to risk jail time? Because these people are. How about, when was the last time you noticed a quiet peaceful protest about a thing you didn't know was an issue?

I can tell you exactly when was the last time I did. It was over 5 years ago, where one person was sharing a pamflet about an organisations demanding changes to the adoption regulation allowing there same-sex couple to be registered as the parents to a biological child of one of them.

What was the last protest I noticed because they made noise? The hijab related protest about Masha Hamin. A thing I hadn't even known about having had happened for I been avoiding news past few years and being in Finland articles about foreign matters been especially something I avoid.

The reason they keep doing stuff like this because it is the only way to get any media and public attention. And it is working!


[deleted] t1_itquoq5 wrote



[deleted] t1_itqwd6h wrote



Inhabitedmind t1_itqu0hu wrote

There are many examples that get the media attention that doesn't get people pissed at the cause.Steve-o protested sea world a while back. It didn't hurt anyone or destroy anything but it got people's attention. the funny "look at this idiot up there". He went to jail and got some articles written on him. It raised awareness for animal rights without coming off as a pompous twat who just wants attention and happen to have a cause behind it.

The people gluing their hands to the floor, blocking traffic, and attempting to destroy artwork aren't coming off as some hero to change but as people who inconvenience the lil man who has no say in what oil corporations do.

Like this climate protest where they blocked the roads and may have cost a man his parole. How is that helpful? People are just trying to get to work and they felt it was appropriate to hold everyone up, also wasting more gas keeping these cars idle, and did fuck all for climate activism.

It isn't working, we all know climate change is an issue. You all just aren't giving 1, the incentive to help and 2. solutions to help. Just a bunch of fuckheads inconveniencing people for the sake of...acknowledging climate change?

I want them to do better, to have a catch me moment that is simple for people to go "Hey, I can do that!" vs "Yes, big corporations are the main issue for climate change and my car doesn't help but I can't afford a better alternative or stop what corporations are doing".


SinisterCheese t1_itqvs2o wrote

Well you just posted two things which got media attention.

You know what the extinction rebellion did in Finland last summer at a Rally? They peacefully protested.

What was done to them? Slurry made of cowshit was shot at them.

Care to explain what was so bad that they deserved such actions that the police arrested those people who shot shit at them?

Now I'm not part of extinction rebellion, but I am worried of climate change.

But you want solutions? I have some for you. Carbon tariffs at the EU border. Severe penalties for fossil fuel use. More nuclear power. Ban combustion engine cars for personal use and have a buyout program. Add tariffs to fossilfuels. Equally share carbon credits to everyone living in EU, which can be traded against cash and limit consumption against these; since wealthy people consume and emit more emission, they have to buy the right to emit - no more riding on the backs of poor people while you get to spoil in luxury even if you can afford the taxes.

Now present to me your solutions to this issue.

Because I can tell you that it is a fucking inconvienience when summer temperaturs keep going up and weather gets drier to the point that rivers are running dry around the world. But I assume this is not an inconvience?