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xsoulfoodx t1_j0twkbt wrote

I appreciate your effort and believe you had a great time testing all those pizza places! Luckily Moncton isn't that big of a town. Now imagine doing something similar in Toronto or Montréal ;)


tinuuuu t1_j0tx2fu wrote

I appreciate your effort but it is common knowledge, that there are 4 relevant categories to rate pizza. Those are texture, crust, cheese and mouthfeel.


BjoerBaer t1_j0txb7p wrote

Can't see any pineapple ratings.


buddyleeoo t1_j0txev4 wrote

Callactus faired that well? That picture looks fucked up.


50607 t1_j0u0ycm wrote

Looking at the pictures, none of these look anywhere close to an Italian pizza.


KeepTangoAndFoxtrot t1_j0u1g6o wrote

... I'll be perfectly honest, I don't see how that answers the question, and for whatever reason your use of tongues and thighs in the description makes me a bit uncomfortable. I still don't understand the difference between "texture," aka "the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance," and "mouthfeel," aka "the physical sensations in the mouth produced by a particular food."

I even googled it and most explanations appear to boil down to "texture is a part of mouthfeel, but mouthfeel is different," and then say nothing else about it. These articles describe "mouthfeel" using words that are just different textures or tastes, like "oily" or "acidic." The Wikipedia entry for "mouthfeel" even described "texture" as being a synonym to "mouthfeel."

As a result of these last 5 or so minutes of research, I will be taking it upon myself to passively crusade against the use of "mouthfeel," as it makes me inexplicably uncomfortable. Some people hate the word "moist," and I now hate the word "mouthfeel." Any time "mouthfeel" comes up from hence forth, I will be interjecting a quick "gross" into the conversation. Thus is my burden and my cross to bear.

Edit: I hope it's clear that my comment is quite sarcastic, especially towards the end. I'm still not super clear what it means, but ultimately it seems to boil down to some combination of taste, weight, and texture.


tayt087x t1_j0u1iwm wrote

Pizza twins got a 10 on crust? It looks really bad


trail34 t1_j0u1s46 wrote

Love this! It’s making me very hungry.

I’m always curious how people objectively rate things when there are so many candidates. For example early in your testing you might say “man this sauce is amazing. I’m going to give is a 9 out of 10”, but then later you think you might like a bunch of other sauces more and you’ve run out of room on your scale.


ReelDeadOne OP t1_j0u2tn3 wrote

Sadly I think I took a bad photo of that one. Crust was, by my Atlantic, Maritime, French Canadian standards, near perfect. Crispy on bottom but perfectly gooey on the inside and delicious.


ReelDeadOne OP t1_j0u32hu wrote

So true. At least we were already familiar with maybe 1/3 of the pizzas so that helped. The influential factors that are hard to measure are:

How do we feel? Whats our mood? Are we hungry? Do we feel like pizza?


it_is_Karo t1_j0u4gb3 wrote

Please, never ever use a 3D pie chart again


ILearnedSoMuchToday t1_j0u9qew wrote

Greco's and An's both look like abominations. When they look bad and taste worse you don't have a good business model.


Apollon1212 t1_j0ubvjh wrote

Its very good except there is no mouth feel category...


mattcoady t1_j0ud341 wrote

Greco was the staple of my high school years, sad to fall to the bottom. That being said this is based on works toppings and their signature topping is the donair.


Series_G t1_j0ue6ru wrote

I love that you did this (ahem) research. Been thinking about doing this here in Philadelphia.


charlietactwo t1_j0ug9pm wrote

Okay, am I crazy? I see a photo for “Famous Peppers” but can’t find it anywhere in the ratings. It’s the only one I specifically looked at because the black olives stood out as a regular topping for me.


Big_Knife_SK t1_j0ugjss wrote

In my experience here in Canada most pizza is heavily influenced by the style popularised in restaurants run by Greek immigrants, which were abundant in the early dining scene. Thick crust, lots of sauce with a heavy layer of cheese on top with anything underneath being barely-cooked. It's even sometimes referred to as "Greek-style" or (here, anyway) "Regina-style" pizza.


Xhiw t1_j0uh3aa wrote

Or in a similar-sized town here in Italy. For example in Brindisi, which according to Wikipedia has a population similar to Moncton, there are 128 pizzerie listed on the local directory.


phdoofus t1_j0uhho4 wrote

Had a Boston Pizza in BC once about 15 years ago. I still remember how bad it was.


jotegr t1_j0uji97 wrote

I wonder who has better pizza, Moncton or Halifax, given that Halifax has the legendary Pizza Corner? I wouldn't know, despite living for a time in both places, I found it impossible to get anything but donairs at Pizza Corner.


Objective_Plan_8266 t1_j0ulyg1 wrote

I have no idea where Moncton is. All I know is I'm really hungry right now and I wont be going to Grecos


camerasoncops t1_j0uo5w4 wrote

This is awesome! Come do Chattanooga TN please lol.


Gagewhylds t1_j0uvzg3 wrote

Would like to see the price of Boston Pizza listed, I guess they didn’t have 12”? It’s one of my few options in town here but I’m not paying 30 bucks for a single pizza.


RtuDtu t1_j0uyvhv wrote

IMHO if you take into account price, size and quality nothing beats Costco $13 pizza's


gabawhee t1_j0uzf1r wrote

Since when is Pizza Hut that expensive?? Or did you have to get a bigger pizza. That doesn’t look like a 12 in


mitch8893 t1_j0uzni8 wrote

Wow that pizza looks horrible


m_Pony t1_j0v1csn wrote

Good work, lads. You should ping the folks at the CBC Radio : I bet they'd have you on to discuss your thorough research.


towcar t1_j0v4ytu wrote

This is very cool. Also glad to see Boston pizza so low as I find it quite low tier compared to most pizzas I've ever had.

Surprised there isn't any Neapolitan style pizza. Might be more west coast popular (famoso pizzeria is growing fast on this half). I found myself completely biased to this style of pizza. Though not sure what "the works" would be on one of those. Also I don't know if they sell in 12 inch either.


whatasaveeeee t1_j0v747y wrote

15 dollars for a pizza???? In london which is an expensive place, very decent margheritta pizzas can be had for about £5.50 and a works pizza equivalent for about £8.50. Taxes Included


ATLL2112 t1_j0vd6i7 wrote

Why would you want so many toppings? It ruins the pizza. Guaranteed floppy.


Prestigious_Stage699 t1_j0ve2yr wrote

Ordering "the works" to compare pizzas is literally the worst way to do it.


mankytoes t1_j0vextk wrote

Who the fuck comes in from clubbing and makes a pizza? You buy the dirtiest pizza you can find (my favourite, which I've only seen in the north of England, is a "London pizza" which is just a load of fries baked into a margarita), then hopefully pass out before you've eaten much, so you have the holy grail of hangover foods, cold pizza.


Hendrou t1_j0vgxce wrote

I'm surprised Pizza Pizza is not last place, such a horrible pie


Bluebaronn t1_j0vhlmz wrote

I am amazed that Moncton has this many pizza places. I looked up the population and its 1/3 of what my town is. Im sure our list is half as long if you are avoiding chains...maybe even less.


ReelDeadOne OP t1_j0vi3u4 wrote

Not sure which #s you checked but...

Moncton alone is 75,000 but Greater Moncton, which was the scope for these pizza places, is a tri community area of 150,000. It includes Moncton, Dieppe and Riverview.


supersimu7 t1_j0vjbg9 wrote

Holy shit my Italian soul left me


UreadUdie t1_j0vo543 wrote

Wish i had that little self awareness


kryonik t1_j0voghy wrote

As someone from New Haven, it always bugs me when we're left out of pizza convos even though we have the best pizza in the country.


Randomthought5678 t1_j0vvyg1 wrote

$26.95 for a 12 inch pizza!!! Was the dough salted by virgin tears? Was a tomato sauce smashed by Bull fighters and bulls? Was it made with space cheese?!

So many questions.


SlimefaceMcG t1_j0vwa03 wrote

We’re such Gusto fans. We travel to Moncton just for their cheesecakes. Now we can use this to help decide where to eat next time we’re in town. Thank you!


jeadeyes t1_j0vxjic wrote

They all look unbelievably ropey 😂 WTF is up with some of these?! The one from An’s Restaurant…


Gloskers t1_j0vzio7 wrote

I saw this and thought this should be more in line with my life goals.


merdub t1_j0w2b9v wrote

I have a hard time believing Pizza Pizza was better than Little Caesars.

Pizza Pizza is THE WORST PIZZA. Somehow the cheese is always super weird and congealed and I strongly believe their crust is just corrugated cardboard. The ONLY redeeming thing is the garlic dipping sauce.


DANGERSCONE t1_j0w5qxm wrote

As a bluenoser, quick tangential questions that always bugged me:

Do you guys have proper donairs in NB? I assume so, but never had one there. If so, does the availability just sort of taper off as you get closer to Quebec? Hard stop at the border? Or can you get a half decent donair before Rivière de Loupe?


DANGERSCONE t1_j0w7ugw wrote

Sure thing: my idea of proper is loosely a steamed pita filled with gyro meat, diced white onion and tomatoes, condensed milk sweet sauce. That’s it.

If I had to be picky I’d want that meat to be on a shawarma spit and carved off fresh to order. Lettuce is not allowed and the prefect sauce has been frozen and thawed in beginning of the day in a to-go 4oz cup.


Guava7 t1_j0w936t wrote

Pffft, no mouth feel. Everyone knows pizza rankings have to include mouth feel.

Good effort though.


neosephiroth11 t1_j0w9ue1 wrote

So cool! Can you do it with the Donair's next? 🤌


LittleRatMan18 t1_j0wav8r wrote

guess I don't need glasses after all

lovely chart :)


Ibanker888 t1_j0wdjv3 wrote

Canadian pizza looks like shit


ReelDeadOne OP t1_j0wdp8o wrote

Ok cool I cant answer with 100% accuracy but..

Steamed Pita: Maybe? I think some places do.
Gyro meat fresh to order: Yes.
Diced onion: Yes.
Tomatoes: Yes.
Condensed milk sweet sauce: Yes.

So with those 5 requirements its like somewhere between 80% and 100% yes we have proper donairs per your idea of one.


Tiesolus t1_j0wlkbh wrote

Lol I'm just happy that cut throat got high marks, and that they're back after that long hiatus. Was so surprised to see them on skip.


NoGoodDM t1_j0wm0n3 wrote

I wish I had those kinds of prices near me. For a 12” specialty pizza, I can expect to pay $37.


Ventghal t1_j0wmrhp wrote

The Little Caesars in Riverview makes the best Little C’s and it’s solid. The other locations are donkey.


djembejohn t1_j0wne1p wrote

Could you do another graph of your diabetes, blood pressure and liver function stats?


LickyBoy t1_j0woqyx wrote

Super cool. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to do the same.


GoldFynch t1_j0wpb08 wrote

Pizza pizza was a little bit too high on the list 🤣


miltjef t1_j0wrimh wrote

I will admit, I haven’t tried all the ones on your list but Vito’s is my go to for pizza. Love the all meat with whole slices of bacon cooked on the cheese.


usernameisusername57 t1_j0wyhgl wrote

I'm an American, so maybe yours are different, but it's hard for me to imagine a pizza worse than Papa John's. The fact that it's close to the middle of your list is concerning...


DaMoonRulez_1 t1_j0x2009 wrote

Greco looks decent in the photo. I'd like to try it just to see how things went so bad.


Knarfnarf t1_j0x3hp2 wrote

This was very awesome! Wish I had your (not finished yet but should start one) book.


UnderTowed t1_j0x4yf1 wrote

This list def shows different tastes for diff folks. Pizza D above tide and boar. That shit is whack as fk


ZsaFreigh t1_j0x702u wrote

Holy shit, I wish my town had this many options for pizza. Here is just national chains and generic Indian-made pizza. There's no real authentic italian-style pizza places here at all.


Emmjay332 t1_j0x9j0l wrote

As a fellow New Brunswicker you have no idea how much this delighted me to come across! Very interesting results who would have thought Calactus would have good pizza. My boyfriend and I will be hitting up the top 3 soon to see what we think!


SUPRVLLAN t1_j0xb9zk wrote

Everybody knows the rules.


nimbat1003 t1_j0xgxhh wrote

Sees the pictures damn An how did u screw up Ur reatraunt that much.


IAmKab t1_j0xujxp wrote

Nice to see Moncton on here!


Dorjcal t1_j0y3jrv wrote

Looking at the pics there is not a single decent looking pizza


Nextasy t1_j0y4xe0 wrote

Wait you guys don't have pizza pizza in America?

I just figured it was one of those American chains that's so massive it just exists under the strength of its own momentum despite universal agreement that its garbage. Now I have no idea how they still exist.


Creative_Elk_4712 t1_j0y7mzd wrote

As an Italian and pizza fan, pizza doesn’t have to be regular to be good. It needs to be properly leavened, cooked at the right temperatures and have the right hydration

It can look like a mashed mess and be the best pizza ever, it’s in the material, not the shape


Mudinthetang t1_j0yl3hi wrote

As a newfoundland native, I was looking to see where Piattos landed on your list. I was sad to find out its closed down in your town. Not sure why it closed, that place is the bees knees, and it's St. John's locations are both thriving.


buddyleeoo t1_j0yo3p0 wrote

I'm an enthusiest for both. People eat with their eyes first. Distribution of ingredients for even flavor in every bite is also crucial. Of course I haven't tasted it, but if I see a uneven glob of stuff it makes me think they're not trying.


Creative_Elk_4712 t1_j0zhqr4 wrote

This is totally different from my experience, these aren’t really things people consider to judge a pizza here…

Pizzas are obv all about the same roundness, ingredients ought to be regularly scattered on the pizza because with only 2-3 minutes in the oven they wouldn’t cook well if not. So the point is that the regularity of its shape are a given due to the speed of the process itself, it’s a necessary outcome, and irregularities aren’t minded by customers