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KittyBloodTracker t1_iqythi4 wrote

I have been documenting my mood for years. A year after my divorce is finished, I plan on sharing my data.


sshheelleeyy OP t1_iqyd19i wrote

Source: Tracking in an app called Daylio

Tool: Adobe Illustrator


dailycyberiad t1_iqzwcrl wrote

Feel free to disregard this, but here it goes: I think it would be nice if rad days were as visually obvious as awful days. Rad and awful are exact opposites on this graph, but the awful red is brighter and more saturated than the rad green, making the awful much more noticeable than the rad.

Again, feel free to disregard.


throwaway384938338 t1_ir0zltk wrote

Remember the good times
They're smaller in number
And easier to recall.
Don't spend too much time
On the bad times.
They're staggering in number
And will be heavy
As lead on your mind


hollow_asyoufigured t1_ir3be3j wrote

Similar sentiment from one of my favorite bands (Origami Angel):

All these microscopic moments help me feel like I’m not helpless


drLagrangian t1_ir1476n wrote

I concur. Should try running red to green with white in the middle for neutral.


behannrp t1_ir26hdq wrote

Great now today is gonna be marked as awful :( /s


[deleted] t1_ir2mcya wrote

That would be more closely related to how the app does it too. In the app rad is like a grass green.


bmlsayshi t1_iqywms9 wrote

How did you convert the data into the Illustrator graph? Was it a manual process or did you automate it somehow? I'd love to see my Dailyo data like this.


frankenbenz t1_ir02s77 wrote

I’ve built a color wheel VERY similar to this use R and some hefty ggplot modification, with a few other things to get the data right. You can essentially plot anything circular if you provide a way to convert the data using trigonometry or some built capabilities within R/ggplot.


geekyerness t1_iqyz0zm wrote

Daylio is amazing! I use it to help track mental health and migraines 10/10


BrokenEyebrow t1_ir0ca28 wrote

I love what you did, but something for you is maybe line up major life events on this graph. It'll help tell the story better. I'm guessing you had at least one vacation and maybe a bad work as there is a week if meh.


BroadwayJoeyD t1_ir0db06 wrote

I’d love to see the correlation with the weather. Specifically the amount of sunshine


Vabaluba t1_ir1yvlr wrote

Downloaded the app to give it a try, thanks for sharing. Visualisation looks great 👍


Neon-Predator t1_iqykcel wrote

Why was your mood so bad in the middle of June?


__Jank__ t1_ir15jt6 wrote

Sometimes all she's thinking about is you.

Late nights in the middle of June.

Heatwaves been faking her out.

Can't make you happier now.


sfoxreed t1_ir25oeh wrote

Thanks now that song will be stuck in my head for a week.


QueenRainbowCow t1_iqyczk1 wrote

You missed one for September [inner circle]. Outside of this, I love it! It's actually a smart way to track depression as well.


sshheelleeyy OP t1_iqyd8vj wrote

Oh Whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. :)

And I totally agree on the depression front. I tend to have a pretty strong negativity bias about life in general, and before I started tracking my mood, I assumed that a lot of my days would be "bad." Turns out, they're mostly good!


QueenRainbowCow t1_iqydrnu wrote

I'm glad that they mostly turned out to good and not bad. Keep up the great work. What ever it may be.


unhappymedium2 t1_ir1nx0x wrote

Interesting that this defied your expectation. 70-80% would be my expectation for myself.


threeye8finger t1_ir3x4tq wrote

And there are a couple of "awful days" but it is very few in comparison to all days in a year. I'll take those odds


living_buffalo t1_iqz3xkr wrote

Cold weather and lack of sunlight must not bring you down like it does me. I dread the months of January and February.


georgewesker97 t1_ir1pa5v wrote

Was thinking the same thing. Though I hate October and November far more than January and February.


wreckedem21 t1_iqyzpdy wrote

Either really resilient or you live somewhere warm year round with those scores.


sshheelleeyy OP t1_iqyzxv5 wrote

I have a great therapist and a 10,000 lux light box, lol


cereal-kills-me t1_ir0gymy wrote

Normal person: exists

You: wow omg. Must be warm where you are.


Davidreddit7 t1_ir1p9de wrote

this is completely normal to ask. warm weather improves the mood


bliswell t1_iqyfm9k wrote

This doesn't make much sense to me. Are the dates of the month aligned next to each other? Why? Why is day 1 closest to center and day 30 at outer ring? Is there some relationship I don't know, like you get paid at the first of the month?


eldosoa t1_iqykuhg wrote

I agree. Visually, it's a bit confusing since Day 1 seems to be of less importance than Day 31 because of the size.


sshheelleeyy OP t1_iqyzba3 wrote

Good question. This layout seemed pretty intuitive to me as I'm a woman and experience hormonal (and therefore emotional/mental) fluctuations on a monthly cycle.


no-name-here t1_iqzmmie wrote

Your explanation of why this format could make sense is excellent - before hearing it I had thought it might not.

After seeing the results, do you feel like this format is useful in that it partially disproves your original idea, as it seems like your high/low points seem to differ a lot from each month to the next - middle third, first third, last third?


girnigoe t1_ir0jhk6 wrote

also female & I was over here trying to count out sets of 28 days or wondering why you used calendar months. i came to the comments thinking “well i can’t obviously see her cycle & tbh that doesn’t make sense”


bliswell t1_iqzmxy4 wrote

Well if it it works for you then it's a success. And I'm not a woman, so again I have no basis to say what's needed. But my understanding is that a woman's "cycle" isn't literally fixed at once per month. So resetting your data into groupings by month obscures the natural periodicity which occurred.


dailycyberiad t1_iqzw0eq wrote

It depends. For me it's a 28-day cycle, but others have a 30-day one, or a 25-day one, or nearly random cycles... maybe OP does have a monthly cycle, it does happen.


no-name-here t1_ir43sq6 wrote

Even if it’s only around a month but not exactly one month, this format would still be best, as this format would show such data in a spiral shape? or what format do you think would work better/best?


asackofpopcorn t1_iqyki9o wrote

The inside ring is 1 and the outside ring is the end of the month


bliswell t1_iqyo3ge wrote

Yeah, but the end of this month should be next to the beginning of next month. That is how time works. I don't wipe my mood slate clean because I turn the page on my calendar.


asackofpopcorn t1_iqyscng wrote

Maybe OP can answer this better but the visualization is meant to find similar patterns between the month. You can alternatively use an overlapping curve line graph with different colors for each month but because the values are a range anyway (good to bad) and you can group months together sequentially.

This is a good visual.

You can quickly see that something was up between August and October.

A line graph wouldn’t be able to tell the same data story which is what visuals are for. A line graph might let you know that June had some extremes and that OP has worse moods during the beginning if the month more often.


AshmacZilla t1_iqzxv64 wrote

Yeah. All calendars should be like this. No breaks. My new wall calendar on sale now is one box high and 365 boxes wide. No pesky breaks in my timeline.


nordic_prophet t1_ir09f4l wrote

Yea gotta say I’m not sure this is the most effective way to visualize the data. There’s no relationship between data near each other, but in different months. Would be better maybe to have the days continuously wrap around, then there’s continuity


RoastedRhino t1_ir1kg90 wrote

I am not sure if this graph format is the best one here. Consecutive days end up far apart if they fall on two consecutive months, making the visualization somehow pointless. Unless you saw some pattern (beginning of the month vs end, or seasonality) that I missed.


dog-on-meth t1_iqzizy4 wrote

You must have an amazing life


ItsABiscuit t1_ir115fl wrote

The format of this chart makes no sense to me in terms of helping convey trends or patterns in the data. It's a timeline, why not display it as a timeline?

The colours also make it hard if you are colour-blind, esp. green-red.


huntjb t1_ir1fy81 wrote

I feel like each day should have equal area instead of equal distance from the center of the circle. The later (or earlier, I’m not sure which way you’re counting up) days are visually over represented.


KoSigns t1_ir0oojm wrote

Colorblind and hope you're doing well.


quasar_1618 t1_ir1klrm wrote

This is a very cool idea! I don’t think these shells for each month is the best way to do it though. Visually, it implies correlation between some days that are far apart (e.g. 15th of September and 15th of October), and separated days that are close (e.g. 30th September and 1st October)


savva1995 t1_iqzm45e wrote

Damn, July was a good month


RJ200016 t1_ir0a4yi wrote

You should get ‘other people’ to rate your mood daily and then compare the data


darkbyrd t1_ir0h9fp wrote

Why tf is this a circle? Does not represent the data beautifully, or in a logical manner


[deleted] t1_iqyf04q wrote

Great job! Interesting too. June didn’t look good for you. ❤️


purple_hamster66 t1_ir0opcw wrote

Looks like you feel worse around holidays. Can you overlay potential causes and cures on this?


SciFiPi t1_iqyfcyo wrote

Nice presentation. Much better than the dot calendars imho. After a quick glance I thought a month was missing some days, but then I remembered it is February.


Series_G t1_iqylqxg wrote

Just apeculating, but your mood seems simar in opposite months. Am I just imagining that?


frenchieluv52 t1_iqz7qh7 wrote

I’m so jealous of how much green I see…. Very happy for u tho


Meem_Masheen t1_iqzohkg wrote

I use daylio too, mine is almost 100% meh.


ZoulsGaming t1_ir030hu wrote

I thought it was from "awful" to "bad" was like "damn"


mez1642 t1_ir0hbym wrote

I don’t like this layout. The difference in pie slice widths is irrelevant and obviously the ones towards the center are barely visible. I also see this as a continuum and it’s disjointed between where months begin and end.


fangerprint t1_ir10xxu wrote

It's none of my business...but I'm so curious about June!


salsawood t1_ir14mjy wrote

When during the day do you log your mood? How do you deal with days where you wake up in a bad mood and then the day gets better or vice versa?


shooburt t1_ir1byun wrote

I think we can all agree we wish it was July


Almond_Esq t1_ir1gi0c wrote

Do you take your mood once a day? If so, what time?


Sytham t1_ir26xzz wrote

Im curious how this correlates with your alcohol consumption lol


Jando0197 t1_iqzi1du wrote

Yu work in the customer service industry ?


LuckyDots- t1_iqzmna9 wrote

Interesting, so considering you had 14 rad days I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you got laid 14 times in that year, congrats!


420BigDawg_ t1_iqzuo1c wrote

Awe I hope things get better for you fam


domotor2 t1_iqzuolp wrote

I do the same in Google Sheets!


TheBirminghamBear t1_iqzuys5 wrote

It is interesting your two worst months are directly opposite from one another - June and December - and that your best two months follow the worst.


sethvane t1_iqzxlaa wrote

Nice, ill use this too from now one. I have a pma mostly so lets see what this will do


markmug t1_ir02ued wrote

Very cool visual circular representation of data. 10/10 would enjoy seeing more graphs like this.


0202020101 t1_ir030b0 wrote

Hello! Is it possible to do it on R ?


Cheesus_Christ78 t1_ir0e8c9 wrote

Very cool to see this. I wonder if being aware of your mood as you logged this had an affect on your mood? Kinda like, wake up and think good things sets the mood for the day. I like this. I may try something similar. Thanks for sharing.


specialfwend t1_ir0huqt wrote

Does it go out from the centre or in?


Skydude252 t1_ir0r7b5 wrote

I’m in the process of doing that myself for this year! I have a 7 point scale, but have yet to use the bottom 2 or top 1, so I might as well just have a 5 point scale.

Mostly meh days with a smattering of others here or there.


LLHati t1_ir0ri06 wrote

I wish you a year of nothing but Januaries, OP!


iopjsdqe t1_ir0t6i0 wrote

Truly the highest human emotion, Rad.


Scorpions99 t1_ir0veeo wrote

Consider a weekly or 52 week representation and overlaying other parameters.


drLagrangian t1_ir154oo wrote

Pie charts are trouble since visually a person outs more importance on the larger areas than the small, so the days are the beginning of the month in the center look less than the last day, even if your mood on the last day wasn't as important.

Also, since the data itself is displayed by color, a pie chart makes it look like the areas next to each other are related. And while this is true radially (consecutive days are related), how are they related rotationally? Does your mood on the 5th of November impact your mood on the 5th of December?

What about October 2021 compared to Sept 2022? Are they related even though a year is in between?

What about December 31 and January 1st? They should be related but on the chart they are really far apart.

I suggest making it a line chart showing the progression over the days of the year, with some demarcating for individual months, notations for important events (i see a big red spot on the left there, what happened?), And the use of color on a vertical scale with a neutral in between color. I suggest red and green with white at neutral - since the extremes are just as important as each other. This would do well to show the time dependant relations and clarify the data while also showing the extremes of mood.


gwdope t1_ir19utw wrote

This is not a good chart for this data.


maramau t1_ir1o6t2 wrote


Ohhh you used Daylio! I actually used that app for about three years and I was thinking about making a graph of my emotions.

I think I'm going to give it a shot.


conthesleepy t1_ir1pf03 wrote


It's random then!?

Brilliant. 👏


Dwestmor1007 t1_ir2aof6 wrote

Damn you had a really good year


_Conqueeftador t1_ir2c7tj wrote

You were at your worst during my birthday.


Intothelibrary21 t1_ir2ce2k wrote

My first thought is that you didn’t seem to have depression this year, at least as self-reported. I’m jealous.


Chinaski_616 t1_ir2fhw6 wrote

Sheesh, im worried mine would look like the Japanese flag!

But perhaps if I revisit the question of how I feel on a daily basis, the introspection might reveal I mostly feel ok.


cannondave t1_ir2gz14 wrote

Do you use an app to track this? I always forget to track such things more than a bunch of days. And what time do you track?


jonjonjay t1_ir2h7vm wrote

Kinda surprised the summer months, unless you're Southern Hemi, were more red than winter months


zarifex t1_ir2taad wrote

If OP is in the USA I can take a guess about the red days in June


jonjonjay t1_ir2w9nn wrote

I am as well and now you have me wondering 🤔


zarifex t1_ir2y2oj wrote

The Supreme Court overturning a certain decades-old ruling in mid-June on what had to be one of the most prominent legal cases and resulting precedent in the 20th century


Alternative-Sea-6238 t1_ir2shpi wrote

I can't believe nobody seems to be commenting on the use of "rad" for the best days. Bodacious dude, cowabunga!


atomic_peanut t1_ir2toxe wrote

Did you take some annual leave in July or something?


peter303_ t1_ir2wy58 wrote

Map of your periods? (Or partner's)


scottoleary32 t1_ir32a85 wrote

I guess April isn't the cruelest month, after all.


Bevor_Trillaz t1_ir3asw6 wrote

What’s OP’s take away after looking at this data group?


meme_tenretni t1_ir40ted wrote

Is your birthday in February
Our ending of November?


paceminterris t1_iqzx405 wrote

This is a pretty BAD way to display the data. Because you've chosen to display the months radially, each individual day of the month is a different size, which gives the last day of the month a massively disproportionate visual presence compared to the first; whereas the data says they should be weighted equally.

Hence, we notice how you're feeling toward the end of the month MUCH more than we notice about your first half. Not good a display choice.


i3elievee t1_ir181yv wrote

Would love to know when the full/new moons were and how they influenced your moods/feelings


Warfielf t1_ir18x58 wrote

"So, surely hardship comes ease" ( Q 95:5 )


Seek_Seek_Lest t1_ir0a5kf wrote

I get at maximum a meh... Well I have autism, and very complex childhood trauma so yeah.

I hope to be able to achieve what you have here. Feeling good at least most of the time.
