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FrankDrakman t1_j7aa06b wrote

There are no Dairy Queens in Vermont.


TheZvlz t1_j7ada3b wrote

No DQ Blizzards in VT? I like my cookie dough with Reese’s. I will not be visiting.


Ickyhouse t1_j7at896 wrote

It’s home of Ben & Jerry’s. They have much better ice cream than DQ available.


uconnboston t1_j7b313a wrote

It’s the home of Ben & Jerry’s. DQ is the hamburger of the ice cream industry. B&J is the prime rib.


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j7c8h9y wrote

Ah, but we have maple creemees*. You can't get better than that.

(*) the local name for soft-serve ice cream made with maple syrup