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Toxoplasma-Gandhi t1_j0ys6n1 wrote

Mirrored in Terror, Mirror (of?) Madness, Tfw (or Mfw) the Shrooms Kick In, Muerte/Mortis in the Mirror. I write songs for a thrash band so those are what my mind came up with. As a graphic designer myself, I can tell you only drew half of it... you mirrored it. So that's why I keep thinking "Mirror"

Oh, you could also take any lyric from the Candlemass song Mirror Mirror (If you're reading this and like metal at all, but haven't heard this song, drop what you're doing. Look it up on YT. Then listen to their first four albums. He's no Messiah Marcolin, but the singer from Angel of Damnation/Dawn of Winter is alright too. Check out the albums he's on. Yes, I love doom metal. How could you tell? Also, Messiah came back for their eponymous album. Definitely worth a listen, even if his voice is noticeably aged.) It's full of good stuff for a mirror image like this.

Also, not judging on the mirroring thing. I'm a photorealistic vector artist. Entire days' worth of time, so I take shortcuts, like mirroring, especially if I'm doing a band logo, of which I've made quite a few. Metal loves mirrored first and last letters. One band, the one I manage, has that (Mirroring A and E are easier than it sounds.) plus a y EXACTLY in the middle, which is a gift to band logo designers. You can do so much with the letter y. But of course I use mirrored copies of that A to adapt into the E.