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vango911 t1_iz24svx wrote

This looks exactly like one of my sleep paralysis demons. Only diffrence is that mine wore a hosptial gown.

Full story if anyone is interested: was in a dream and running away from somthing (don't remeber what) and then thought to myself this is just a dream, I can just fly away from this. I then fucked up somehow and woke up with sleep paralysis somthing that regularly happens to me so was not to phased. But then I hear whispering. I look at mu bedroom floor and this bitch is sitting there with her back to me playing with her hands, whispering and rocking backwards and forwards. She then turns around and starts pointing behind me and whispering louder. I refused to look to my right for fear of what she could be pointing at. I shut my eyes for 5-10 seconds and she was gone. I then used my breathing method to break out of the paralysis and didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night.


MostSir7015 t1_iz6gdew wrote

I have had just about the exact same thing happen to me, expect for she did not speak, nor was she facing away from me. Rather, she was on the edge of bed just starring at me and just as you said, pointing behind me. I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack and practically forced myself to close my eye. Then she disappeared. I see her in dreams sometimes.


vango911 t1_iz6k3dq wrote

That's crazy! I have just seen her once thank god. When she shows up in your dreams is it a similar situation?


MostSir7015 t1_j00o3x5 wrote

Usually the same. She is always starring, but her positioning changes within my room/apartment.