Submitted by Elkattio t3_105thca in consoles

I was one of the lucky few that was able to purchase a Series X shortly after launch, but I only own one game for the system; Forza Horizon 5. This game is now unplayable, for me, because it requires a 33GB update and I do not have unlimited internet.

I do most of my gaming on Nintendo Switch. Any games that I can't play on the Switch, I can probably play on PC, especially Microsoft exclusive.

So, is there any point to me having the system?



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TheTopGee t1_j3d4nkm wrote

Take the Xbox and monitor to McDonald’s, plug in, connect to wifi, eat maccies and wait for download completion. Ezpz.


LiterallyWTMF t1_j3ddmx8 wrote

Get some Nreal Airs, easier to carry 😉 look cool af while eating nuggets.


yaboyyake t1_j3cp75l wrote

If you want to just play your PC yes, I'm not sure why you bought it to begin with. But selling Series X for a loss before some of the biggest games of the generation is also a baffling move.


Elkattio OP t1_j3ct3sp wrote

I foolishly purchased it not realizing that physical copies were utterly useless. It is essentially just a disc with a download code. This is why Nintendo Switch is my main form of gaming, now.


Mosley_Gamer t1_j3cyvg6 wrote

What kind of Internet sub doesn't let you download 33gb? Could you not just upgrade to an Internet package suited to the current year.


Elkattio OP t1_j3d9gvs wrote

The only internet currently available at my address is Satellite Internet. I'm currently grandfathered into a plan that allows 150GB of download per month at $120.


bakedbread54 t1_j3eszqw wrote

Where do you live? The moon?


ONESNZER0S t1_j3f2b1j wrote

They probably just live in the U.S. , where BILLIONS of hard working American's tax dollars were GIVEN to all the big, rich, greedy ass ISP's to expand high speed internet services, but they never did it, and just kept the money to buy vacation homes and lambo's and shit.

I live 8 miles outside of a city of about 150k people, and was in this exact situation a few years ago and had to pay through the nose for shitty Hugesnet satellite internet (aka shitnet) , where i was only allowed 10GB a month, yes a month, for almost 2 years until AT&T had an opening in their, slightly less shitty, DSL service. Cable does not service my area. I'm now using internet through my cell phone service, and it's ok, but not what I would like it to be. But you know, the U.S. is the greatest country in the world.... if you're one of the greedy, rich elites.


Azrial13 t1_j3fz8vf wrote

I'm so glad I live in the UK, whilst everything else is crap here, at least I have unlimited internet via broadband for only £30 per month, at 150mbps. Not the fastest granted, but would easily do that 33GB update within an hour.


bakedbread54 t1_j3gb1rg wrote

I wouldn't say everything else is crap here - we need to appreciate what we have


jbg0801 t1_j3hdx9b wrote

Nah the UK is a shithole. One of the only things we've really gotten right recently is internet.

Full fibre 500mbps for me, I pay about £60 a month for it.


Elkattio OP t1_j3f3jro wrote

I actually live in Kentucky. Most of the county I live in is serviced by Fiber Optic services with AT&T and other ISPs, but for some reason, they say that it would not be profitable to deliver those same services on the road I live on. I'm less than one mile away from a fiber line but cannot use it.


josmaate t1_j45y2bu wrote

Starlink is calling your name!


Elkattio OP t1_j475dze wrote

I was hoping that Starlink would be the answer, but according to the app, there are too many overhead obstructions for it to work efficiently. I live between two tree-covered hills and have powerlines crisscrossing over my yard/house.


josmaate t1_j47ntw1 wrote

Ah man, that is really a shame. Starlink sorted out my farm location in the U.K., hopefully it improves in the future for you.


CyberKiller40 t1_j3fqtya wrote

At least that is honest, about not being profitable. Fiber optic requires a bunch of very costly hardware at every ending. And there is no way to cut into the middle, at least without another costly bit of hardware. For less than a hundred clients that might not offset the cost for many years.


i_eat_to_much_food t1_j3ezlm3 wrote

they're scamming you bro


Elkattio OP t1_j3f34s7 wrote

100% without a doubt I'm being scammed. I feel sorry for my neighbors who are having to get this. My same plan now costs over $200.


Ordinary_Law_8599 t1_j3fx0z2 wrote

Your neighbors probably aren't capped at least. I'm sure if you asked and offered to pay more they'd change the terms of your contract


Elkattio OP t1_j3gs7he wrote

It's satellite internet. There will always be a cap.


[deleted] t1_j3skxot wrote

I'm about to receive a Series X, you got me excited, is that game Starfield?


yaboyyake t1_j3snags wrote

Starfield, Redfall. Also Hogwarts Legacy for me even though it's not exclusive.


ll-REDDIT-ll t1_j3cnbyn wrote

If you have a good gaming pc then theres no reason to have an xbox


Mosley_Gamer t1_j3czzpq wrote

Except he says he can't download 33gb which means there's also no point having a gaming PC either.


CyberKiller40 t1_j3fqz1v wrote

That is true. Disc games on PC are non-existent, you literally get a Steam code in a box, no CD.


LiterallyWTMF t1_j3ddfia wrote

Sold mine a couple of days ago. Had it since launch and got 99% of my money back. Pointless if you have a PC for gaming. Barely used it. PS5, Switch and gaming PC/Steam Deck or a mix of those are a good option.


Cygnia t1_j3ebvpx wrote

If your main issue is with downloads and file sizes, what makes you think that switching to PC will remedy that? If you sell your Xbox and exclusively use your PC, you'll face the same issue just on a different platform.

My opinion - keep the Series X and use it, your PC, and your Switch. It doesn't sound like there's much of a benefit in selling it.

Actually, assuming you have access to MS Game Pass, there are lots of fantastic experiences that are under 10gb. To name a few: Tunic, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Crusader Kings, the Ori series, Prodeus, and Slay The Spire. If you have access to Game Pass, I'd suggest giving any of those a whirl.


JoaoBarbaRuiva t1_j3der09 wrote

Don't sell, wait until resolve internet problem.


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j3e0pho wrote

I mean, if you don’t play Xbox games then yeah, why do you have an Xbox? I have a Series X because I play SX titles, because DUH.


dsonger20 t1_j3erz1y wrote

There's no point in having a gaming PC if you don't have good WiFi. You're going to download all the games anyways. If you're struggling with 33 gigabytes, you're going to struggle download a 100gig game solely from WiFi and not even a disc. A disc let's you download the large files without WiFi, with a PC, everything is done with WiFi.


wh0else t1_j3ezty3 wrote

Lot of people crapping on the OP for having poor internet service with no idea where they live. Maybe don't assume that the same standards at your house are global then, or that they're choosing poor service. They could be in Alaska, a developing country, or somewhere far from any urban hub.


kyotheman1 t1_j3dlsll wrote

Yeah if u have good gaming pc u don't need it, ms exclusives go both Xbox and windows


JayMacdon22 t1_j3eaios wrote

You’ve answered your own question son ! Sell it ….


Original_Ack t1_j3eif8l wrote

You can use most of your old disc games on the series X. It is backward compatible. Otherwise, I will buy your series x from you. 😊


originsspeedrunner t1_j3g2tbj wrote

Ask a friend if you can download the game at their place


spaceraingame t1_j3kphkj wrote

Of course you should sell it. It's a garbage console with maybe 1-2 exclusives worth playing, one of them being Halo. I swear that game is the only reason Xbox even still exists today.


Ordinary_Law_8599 t1_j3fwu7i wrote

Sounds like you need decent internet. Don't sell your things, pay that extra 50 a month and go get you some good internet instead of getting rid of things. This whole post made me cringe


BallsOfSteel86 t1_j3dnjc5 wrote

Don't have unlimited Internet in 2023 ? Maybe u need to get with the times, say sell switch, is moat over rated crap since GC . Maybe invest in some Internet


idkwiorrn t1_j3dpi86 wrote

Not everyone has enough to afford unlimited, that’s probably why he’s selling it considering he can’t fix the internet situation.


Elkattio OP t1_j3dyegn wrote

The only internet currently available at my address is Satellite Internet. I'm currently grandfathered into a plan that allows 150GB of download per month at $120.