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m0o t1_j5yct7l wrote

Definitely, we’ll have a crisis in America soon. Single occupancy vehicles isn’t a sustainable transportation model.


TreeEleben t1_j5z0ygc wrote

Towns where I am rely on taxing personal vehicles yearly to fund the town government and services. Newer cars cost $500-$1k per year. Forcing people to pay for public transportation passes, while significantly raising other taxes to make up for the lost vehicle tax revenue and pay for the public transportation is going to hurt a lot of people who can't afford it.

Gasoline and diesel road taxes also make up a huge part of government budgets. Between public transport and electric vehicles, it would cripple governments if that tax revenue dried up.

Citizens still will have to pay the government that money, it will just have to come from higher taxes on other items people buy over and over every single day.
