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Chippopotanuse t1_jctflt1 wrote

Is it safe to walk around Boston with a 3-year old at 8pm? Other than the fact that they should be in bed by that hour…sure. Go wherever you’d like.

And have you previously taken your 3-year old to loud packed venues past their bedtime to see if your kid even likes that type of stuff?

Your kid might not have the stamina and interest that you are projecting on them, especially at that hour.

I took it as a given that we’d be leaving Sox games by the 2nd or 3rd inning when I went with any of my kids who were under age 6 at the time.

Kids can get bored very quickly.

For you…this might be a once in a lifetime event, but keep in mind your child will have ZERO memory of this by the time they are 8 years old.

All that said, have fun. Raffi is great.

Boston is safe. Worst that will happen is you’ll probably walk through a few clouds of weed and cigarette smoke, see some litter, a random piss puddle near the T, and maybe some rats. You might overhear a few townies yelling “fuck, fuckin, motherfucker” every other word when they talk overly loud on their cell phones. Don’t worry. Your kid won’t remember any of that either.


BethNotElizabeth t1_jctm5pe wrote

Bringing children under age 6 to a baseball game is more along the lines of “projecting interest and stamina” on them, compared to bringing them to a (check’s notes) children’s concert aimed at engaging the audience with age appropriate song and laughter.

One night past bedtime won’t kill a 3 year old, which you should be well aware of since you have children. Unless you NEVER put a kid to sleep late? In which case you should write a book about that!


TheSpaceman1975 t1_jctj28w wrote

What a shitty, judgemental reply.


Chippopotanuse t1_jcts4lv wrote

Meh. If we are talking about shitty judgemental comments, OP is the one who does stuff like say “what a hideous baby

I’m just saying Boston is very safe, and a 3-year isn’t going to remember this event.


byronsucks t1_jcty5mb wrote

tbf you somehow dug up a comment from a decade ago and that is indeed a hideous baby


Chippopotanuse t1_jcu0dis wrote

It was 30 comments ago for OP. Didn’t have to dig deep to see the type of stuff that brings OP out of the woodwork. To each his own I suppose.


byronsucks t1_jcu1qzc wrote

I think it's far more egregious that they post in r/discgolf


motnosflor OP t1_jcugtl7 wrote

Well, at least it isn't r/discgolfcirclejerk? lol