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charons-voyage t1_jdvluun wrote

I attempted to help a middle aged female open a door to a cafe once since she was juggling a baby carrier and she screamed “I AM FINE!!!” And acted like I was trying to like steal her kid or something. Now I just MMOB unless someone asks for help.


jojenns t1_jdw58tf wrote

This right here is where we are. Trying to help is just slightly less offensive than not helping and knowing the difference is a minefield


Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_jdwoaz9 wrote

+1. At Nauset Beach a few years ago, a Mom was chatting with her friend and I was watching her young child get closer and closer to being swept away by the rising tide and crashing waves. One big wave came, knocked over her kid and I jumped up to pluck her kid out of the wash. She gave me the dirtiest look. She was not thankful I kept her kid from aspirating a bunch of sea water.


SolarFeline t1_je08jme wrote

In retrospect she prob was. But she was embarrassed and guilty in the moment combined with "stranger danger."


SolarFeline t1_je08f7c wrote

I just ASK oh ya want me to hold that for you?

Interestingly, though, in NYC, if you ask to help a stroller up the stairs of the subway, generally the answer is No. HOWEVER, so many people (male commuters generally) seem to just grab it without asking and go.

That took getting used to.


ShardsgetmeStoned t1_jdw9mrk wrote

I appreciate that your interaction with that woman turned sour, but you really gonna stop that one incident stop you from offering a helping hand unless asked?

Like how many times have you held the door open for folks and got a thanks of a smile of gratitude? I think the woman who yelled at you might be the outlier in these sorts of situations. Just sayin, the onus wasn’t on your trying to help


charons-voyage t1_jdwbzvu wrote

People are free to ask for help, I’m always happy to. My elderly neighbor asks me to help shovel etc and I always do 🤷‍♂️