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tjrileywisc t1_j8p66qw wrote

Great answers here. I'd also add that single family homes are also very much luxury housing, in that they frequently have many of the same amenities as so called 'luxury' apartments while also enjoying many subsides on the public dime.

(developers: please just call them 'new' unless you're saying something truly unique, you're not doing anyone any favors)


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p6wid wrote

Where are new single family homes being built en masse?


tjrileywisc t1_j8p92b9 wrote

To be honest I don't even think we're building enough single family housing to meet that demand given how expensive they've become as well. Not that I am a huge fan of that type of housing anyway...


Stronkowski t1_j8qgxqn wrote

We aren't, but you also literally can't without sprawling too far from the central areas to be able to commute. That's why we need multifamily housing, as denser land use lets more people be close to the target location. It's also why single families would naturally be more expensive than a unit of multifamily (since they represent a potential of many more units of redeveloped), but that's absent the artificial influence of zoning.