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completethesestreets t1_ir56h7z wrote

I get why some people might find Dorsey annoying, personally I think he spends a little too much time on twitter, but I get the sense that he genuinely cares. I also think he’s one of the few city leaders who is actually working on building the Baltimore of 10 or 20 years from now instead of just putting out fires. If every councilor was like him it wouldn’t work, but I think Baltimore needs someone like Dorsey around to make a little noise.


ThePoppaJ t1_ir7qpa7 wrote

I’m a Green Party state-level official in Dorsey’s district. If the Democrats were all in the vein of Ryan Dorsey, I might still be a Democrat. I moved into his district when I was a teenager & while the neighborhood’s of course changed in that time, it’s gotten significantly nicer to live here since he’s been in office & championing a more livable city model.

If I had to poach one lawmaker to my party in this city it’d be Ryan. I asked him about trying for a larger office in the future in 2020 & he balked then, but having someone with an actual vision IMO is better for a citywide office type where those at the top determine a lot of the priorities.