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malakamanforyou t1_ir33ata wrote

I have no problem reducing the drop fee and amount. The problem is parking on lots that need to be clear at a certain time. I use a trespass tow company for two small lots that used to be half filled every morning. The amount of condoms, blunt fillings, and needles found there were disgusting. Ever since the towers started removing the cars it has been clean and unoccupied. People start realizing they will be towed and stop parking there. Making the owner call in every time would be a hassle and wouldn't stop people from taking advantage. If you say add a gate, sometimes the lot needs to be open for customer drop offs and such. Just saying.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ir350lt wrote

Yeah, I don't think most people here have a problem with an ethical towing company. But our towing situation is fucking criminal. And you have almost zero recourse if they take your vehicle, legally or otherwise.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_ir37ley wrote

The last part is the real issue to me. Illegal tows can cost someone a ton of money. We should also do something about the fraudulent parking ticket issue and the lack of reasonable recourse for that.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ir3nxfo wrote

> Illegal tows can cost someone a ton of money.

Exactly. But the penalty isn't backstopped with just money. When you abscond someone's transportation, you can fuck up their life in a myriad of ways. No idea how this scam just gets renewed over and over again.


malakamanforyou t1_ir368y6 wrote

I get it and I've also seen the damage they do to cars. Using a snatch truck on AWD and just yanking them without any thought. But I need my lot clear and I don't want hookers and junkies using my lot as a place of business. Trespass towers are one level above the 9th ring of hell, but they do serve a purpose.


MontisQ t1_ir77rwt wrote

I feel you, that's a legit reason. But towers have shown time and time again that they will not operate in good faith and have no plans on changing.

Permitted to park but half an inch over the line? Towed. Oh yea and they've damaged your car in the process and will make it impossible for you to retrieve it. All while charging an illegal amount.


sllewgh t1_ir3a6hm wrote

Why shouldn't the owner have to call every time? You own the lot, you profit from it, is it not your responsibility? We shouldn't allow predatory practices from towing companies just to save people from having to monitor their own property.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3grt3 wrote

I literally hire these towers to keep my lot clear. I tell them in no uncertain terms, keep everyone off this lot except the cars I allow. I don't live on my lot. I work from 10-7 and my business is open from 5-7. Does that mean its free parking till I get there?


sllewgh t1_ir3lgzz wrote

I don't have sympathy for you. This is your business, you own and profit from this lot. This is your job, same as a landlord maintaining the house they rent. We should not allow predatory towing companies free reign in this city for your convenience. Install a gate.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3mr23 wrote

Well I guess you lost in this round didn’t you buddy. Go cry somewhere else. Trespass towing is the same as it was yesterday.


sllewgh t1_ir3ngi7 wrote

... That's what the article is about. You're acting like you've made some kind of great comeback by restating the premise of the discussion. I guess you gave up trying to argue you shouldn't have to manage your own property.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3p0vr wrote

It’s a maintenance problem you dumass. I hire people to keep my lot clear and they do it. It keeps my privately owned lot clear from people that shouldn’t be there. There are signs, large fucking signs, and people will park if towing isn’t enforced. I the owner of the property gave the towers carte blanche to tow any person I don’t want on my property off that property. I GAVE THEM THE AUTHORITY TO TOW ANYONES ASS I DON’T WANT THERE.


sllewgh t1_ir3pgwu wrote

Yeah, I understand perfectly well how it works without you restating it in caps. You're just mad because an attempt was made to make your income a little less passive.


malakamanforyou t1_ir3q773 wrote

I don’t tow. Nor do I profit from towing. I just want my lot clear


gaiusjuliusweezer t1_ir3of0v wrote

Do you pay the towing company anything or is like a bounty system?


malakamanforyou t1_ir3pbdh wrote

No, they collect the tow fees. I make nothing off of it except keep my lot clear.


gaiusjuliusweezer t1_ir3uwg3 wrote

I can see why people get mad, then. Especially versus parking tickets.

But complaining about predatory tow companies is a bit like complaining that there are sharks in the ocean.

Just because they’re out to get you, doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for where you swim


malakamanforyou t1_ir3k3p1 wrote

Just imagine you have a parking pad and people are parked there when you come home from work. Would you rather have someone stop by every couple hours making sure your lot is clear or would you want to call and wait a couple hours for your space to be clear until the tow man comes.


sllewgh t1_ir3kw4k wrote

If you own the lot and you're renting me space, you'd be the one to call, not me. You're shifting responsibility.


PutVegetable8415 t1_ir3itej wrote

How is it different from a security guard?


malakamanforyou t1_ir3jg6z wrote

I would pay for a security guard. The towers get paid from the illegal parking.


jabbadarth t1_ir3pb71 wrote

Somyoud rather profit off of shitty aggressive tactics that fuck people's cars up, often legally tow cars and cost people a shit ton of money rather than deal with the issue yourself.

So you admit you are fine to shift the problem elsewhere regardless of consequences.


malakamanforyou t1_ir7s6s7 wrote

Yes, exactly. I would rather not pay or be responsible for another employee and have my lot clean and clear. I don’t see how I’m profiting though. All that is happening is vehicles that shouldn’t be parking there are moved without my intervention. Also, it’s the towers responsibility to move the vehicles safely and carefully. If they don’t, then they should lose their towing license.


sllewgh t1_ir3l295 wrote

A security guard doesn't patrol other people's lots looking for people to tow unsolicited.


Charming_Wulf t1_ir3532x wrote

My thoughts as well. The fees definitely need to be adjusted. But requiring a call by the owner is v an egregious burden to rectify trespassing.


umbligado t1_ir3fg8q wrote

It wouldn’t be an egregious burden, merely an obligation where there wasn’t one at all. The question is one of balance, and the current system is characterized by a substantial lack thereof.