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jaurex OP t1_ism4ems wrote

they were on the train before me and he was still going at it when i got off after 30 minutes. what a guy. just in time for Halloween :-)


scot816 t1_ism4m1c wrote

and now this innocent personal moment between this man and his daughters is unknowingly pasted across the world on social nice

wtf are you sneaking pics of this for OP heartfelt-induced karma on aww sub really?


Autumnwood t1_ism9lk4 wrote

Did you ask if you could post a picture of him and his kids on the internet?!


XBakaTacoX t1_ismb0rf wrote

Yes, the moment is nice, cannot deny that, and yes, it made me smile.

But you can't just take a photo of random people and post it on the internet, especially of kids, even if you're trying to spread good vibes.

Get your good vibe posts/karma/whatever a different way.

Please don't do this again. It's not right.

Others will probably be mad, call you out, etc, but I won't do that. Hopefully what I wrote makes sense to you.


Kentuckianquitter t1_ismbyxr wrote

I'm 35 and watched the original movie for the first time Friday night. I would have been horrified if I watched it as a kid


LuminousJaeSoul t1_ismcm1p wrote

Redditors really have a weird thing where they take pictures of random people and thinking it's okay. Just glad to see people bringing it up.


caceresd2 t1_ismfmf6 wrote

How do you know is that book? He was reading aloud? Great book


NationalNegotiation4 t1_ismhe5t wrote

Although I agree that it is a violation of a private moment, it is in a public place. The law allows this and it protects all of us from totalitarianism.


Sweet_Venom t1_ismhipu wrote

It's not cute to take pics of random people or their kids just minding their own business out in public. I know it's legal in many places but that doesn't mean you HAVE to take their pic and then post it.


Kbdiggity t1_ismimw3 wrote

  1. The Disney version of this movie gave me nightmares as a kid.

  2. OP you are creepy for taking this photo.


TCGboi2020 t1_ismiro9 wrote

This is just creepy. Don't do this again


Mallee78 t1_ismjdij wrote

Yeah it's not just "I don't want my kids on the itnernet" some children may have been taken away from dangerous situation from very dangerous people and their faces on the internet puts them and their caretaker in danger.


catscausetornadoes t1_ismjvdv wrote

Here’s the thing about posting public pictures of children: if you want to do it in a way that doesn’t expose them to danger you don’t include information about where and when those children could be found. This picture includes the station they presumably regularly travel through, and is obviously afternoon after school. That’s enough information to find these people with a half assed effort and you shouldn’t do this.


Cherre1 t1_ismkxwc wrote

This is so wrong. Mind your own business!!


flamingoeater t1_ismlmp3 wrote

Hah, we just finished this book a week ago and even watched the movie.


Meikok t1_ismnjfd wrote

Nice moment. Well done. People criticise NYC and for good reason but I find that 99.99% just want to get on with their lives. Even the drug addicts across the street never give us trouble.


Chill0000 t1_ismq7i0 wrote

Wonder what the guy in the hoodie is listening to


CrimsonBrit t1_ismr8qj wrote

Don’t see pictures of people in public and post them online. This is the L train in Brooklyn, an area of New York that is lower class and mostly minorities where most people on that train are likely residents, not tourists. They’re just going about their lives and you’re taking pictures of them. If I were on that train and my picture of me and my children (who are minors) appeared on Reddit I would feel a large sense of privacy lost.


NationalNegotiation4 t1_ismu8tq wrote

I never said they aren’t, nor did I say that this isn’t a moral grey area. It’s about the journalistic freedoms that are also allowed by the same laws.

What if nobody was allowed to film when Michael Jackson held his baby off a balcony, because it’s a baby?


portray t1_ismw8ss wrote

This is weird why you taking photos of some random family