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Crystal1501 t1_j536j6f wrote

I was attending a concert, not realising it was a trap by my enemy. Everything happened so fast. Everyone was bound, gagged and blindfolded. I tried to step in and stop the madness, but before I could do ANYTHING, I was being subdued by his henchmen.

The bonds are too strong to break, and without being able to see, my powers of particle manipulation are useless; I can't focus and concentrate. I can't speak either, thanks to the gag placed on me. I hear my nemesis pacing, muttering. "Now I have the hostages, the next step is to lure the hero here. Get him to show who he really is."

NO! THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS? But... HE'S TALKING ABOUT ME! I start to stand up, when I hear a gun being cocked. "Sit the fuck down or you die!"

I oblige. I'm no use to the innocents if I'm dead. I need to somehow... just... somehow tell him...

"What do we do with the hostages if the hero doesn't show?" a different henchman asks.

My nemesis speaks once more. "Kill them and expose to the world he'd rather keep his identity a secret than fulfil his duty. I'm not happy to do it, especially since it'll be messy, but..."

I attempt to protest, terrified that he'll actually kill them. A faint mumbling comes out. I feel a knife to my throat. "Behave yourself! Or I'll cut you right now!"

I shake my head. I have to convince him... somehow... "Oh, you don't want to listen? Fine then!"

"ENOUGH! What did I just say? We're not killing ANYONE for the SAKE of it!"

"But, boss..."

"Listen, if the threat of death isn't enough to get him to shut up, then maybe whatever he has to say is IMPORTANT. Remove the gag, see what he has to say."

YES! I succeeded! Well, at least in the communication department... now to convince him of who I am... I feel the cloth being taken off and I waste no time. "You already HAVE the hero's identity! I'm right here!"

Everything, even the WIND, goes silent. My blindfold is also removed. My nemesis, Stormwind, is standing right in front of me. "Really now? You're not just trying to protect the hero?"

"If you stand back, I can prove it!" I silently plead for him to give me a chance.

He sighs. "Very well. MEN! Make some room." A big area is cleared out. I focus and concentrate my powers, until I've created a small pocket of air. I condense the inside to water, before releasing it, leaving a puddle on the floor.

"So... you are Energiser... and even better, I have you as a captive!" Stormwind laughs, as do his henchmen. He gathers himself. "Fan of my band?"

"YOUR band? YOU manage The Whirlwinds? Actually, that makes a lot of sense all of a sudden..." I quietly beat myself up for not realising sooner.

Stormwind walks back over, kneels down, and lifts my chin up with a finger to look me right in the eyes. "Almost no-one makes the connection. Don't think you're an idiot for not knowing. Now, here's the deal: thousands of people LOVE my band. It's beneficial to me in several ways - it's my source of money from the ridiculous prices I charge, it allows me to monitor people... and I can always capture people. I take it you won't do anything stupid or reckless?"

I narrow my eyes. "And what do you plan to do, with me out of your way?" I never COULD figure out his plan, I just knew he'd commit murders and some shady practices.

"I pretty much dominate the black market. It was all going swimmingly... then YOU came along. All I want is my little capital empire back. Tell you what, I kind of like you. Be a good boy for me and I'll give you exclusive VIP access to all the band's performances and showings."

I wouldn't risk unnecessary harm to the civilians by going against him, but I must admit, I'm fanboying so hard inside. I need to know one more thing... "Does the band work FOR you, or WITH you?"

"With. It's a group of guys I found having a hard time making it big. I know what you're thinking, but I assure you, supporting the band isn't supporting me. They just help me make some legitimate cash. So?" Stormwind grins at me.

I curse myself for what I'm about to do. Not that I have much choice, but he knows he has me backed into a corner, I just feel like I'm playing into his hand. "Alright, deal. But not because of the band."

"I know. You've always been the type to put others first. I just wanted to ensure you'd want to be my prisoner." He ruffles my hair before putting the blindfold back on me. "Release the hostages! We've got our man!"


This is the first entry in my new series, Black Market Trading. Please check it out!


KrymsinTyde t1_j56yyqn wrote

That last little bit at the end where the villain actually, in his own way, shows compassion for the people he’s abducted is probably my favorite part personally


Crystal1501 t1_j56zasi wrote

He's just a black market guy, not someone who's REALLY a threat lmao. Sure there's the occasional murder, but only as and when necessary. Tbh I'm wondering if I could make a series out of this?


KrymsinTyde t1_j56zntj wrote

Would be interesting to see Energiser gradually develop Stockholm Syndrome as he’s exposed to more and more of Stormwind’s business