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Lamborgani96 OP t1_j5mchso wrote

Teresa presses play on the YouTube video, hearing the upbeat song begin playing on the speakers. She sighs roughly and approaches the door leading to where the animals were kept.

Whining, barking, and howling assaulted her eardrums as the speakers continued playing. One by one, Teresa unlocked the pens and let the dogs run wild. They flocked to her like sheep, pawing at her legs as she finished releasing the canines. The wailing of sirens persisted outside as Teresa slid to the ground, allowing the dogs to swarm her. A towering borzoi licked her face, plopping down on her lap.

It goes all my troubles on a burning pile…

The speakers played the sorrowful song loudly as Teresa closed her eyes. The sirens kept wailing, her phone going off with EAS alarms. A rogue black hole: that was humanity’s end.

All lit up and I start to smile…

If I, catch fire then I’ll change my aim…

Teresa closed her eyes, feeling a tug in her chest. No, everywhere…

Throw my troubles at the pearly gates…

This was it.