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MaskedScript t1_ixekmj1 wrote

It wasn't meant to be this way- I wasn't meant to be on the front lines fighting this thing dammit!

The day had started off like none other, assigned to a pretty quiet area it seemed. Of course they reserved the dangerous areas to those of higher ranks. How miserable it must be- and how much I envied it. The want that is, the knowledge that people wanted you around was addicting it seemed. The glory that my associates chased, that sweet adrenaline, the rush, everything!

As bad as I wanted it this wasn't how I wanted to achieve it.

A dangerous group of villains was loose in the streets, reeking havoc and terrorising everyone that crossed their paths.

I was only meant to be helping civilians, it was a mistake that I was even called to the scene. Sadly I was one of the few heroes that were in the area at the time of the call.

I watched as the higher ranks fell to their knees, some with limbs torn off, dying or even unconscious. This wasn't my glory- it wasn't even meant to be my fight.

"Dammit..." I hissed, my voice quivering. I had no other option here! It was just me, at least until more backup arrived. Until then I had to do whatever I could in my power to slow them down or at least hold them off until everyone had fled the area.

I took a shaky breath, trying to clear my head as much as I could.

'Keep them busy Dusk, that's all you have to do.' I reminded myself, allowing for what could only be described as tendrils to stem from my exposed skin.

'Who am I kidding? I'm gonna get myself killed!'

I knew it was practically a death wish, I couldn't fight a whole group by myself, let alone hold them back after seeing their power. My mist and appendages would have to do, as well as my skills. I just hoped I could hold up.

But before I could change my mind I made my way darting towards them.

'Just hold them back- there's no need to die out here.'

I reminded myself, using any walls that remained standing and the surrounding rubble to my advantage. Luring them away from each other when I got the chance before the tendrils crushed them until debris.

That was one down and I knew I couldn't pull that trick again.

I don't know how long had passed, when I startled to stumble on the now street turned battlefield. Everything felt like it was getting darker, like something dimmed the lights and a bulb was nearly blown.

"Everyone's evacuated! Get out of there!" I heard someone shout from the ear piece that was jammed into my ear. But it sounded like they were so far away, I could tell my eardrums were likely bursted. But I couldn't comprehend why- why I was even allowing myself to do this, to go so far when I'd already done what I needed to.

Hearing that my legged finally buckled, if everyone was evacuated I didn't have to fight anymore-

The vague sounds of shouting felt so distant, I couldn't even tell how close they were. Bordering on the outskirts of all the surrounding debris. Unable to make out what followed.