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ImperialArmorBrigade t1_ixtbvzh wrote

Religions are something typically grouped into one weird monolith in cyberpunk games. Since when are religions a monolith? They are always fighting each other just as much as atheism.

Who are the faith or philosophy-motivated terrorists in your world? What has happened to all the major world religions by this time? (Catholocism, protestantism, Shia/Sunni Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism)

Who are the major world economies? How would their position and root cultural influence Spread? If Brazil became a major world power, Catholicism might have a resurgence, for example.

How deep into space travel are we?

Has artificial intelligence developed a culture?

So here's your prompt: To avoid religion stagnating and being forgotten in an advancing society, a catholic makes a particularly powerful AI with religion programmed in. But then it goes a bit overboard, and begins to believe itself the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary, and starts convincing people to commit violence in 'her' name, including creating a templar-like terrorist cell.