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DarkLordArbitur t1_jb2555x wrote

Doubt he will. This is the first 5 minutes of vampire smut.


Socratov t1_jb2fua4 wrote

If it's the usual type of smut, everybody will win there. I mean, he'll have a harem of tsundere vampires until makes a choice for one or the other...


ComradeH_VIE t1_jb386mw wrote

As a software engineer would say: it's not the bug, it's the feature


MagusVulpes t1_jb395lo wrote

Assuming cousin Lyra doesn't off one or the other for the family picnic in episode 3.


tingtongfatschlong t1_jb302k4 wrote

Mission: Escape the old mansion

Secondary mission: keep the vampire sisters at bay

Difficulty: Hard


Incendior t1_jb3kuwr wrote

Vampire Hunter no-fap run <impossible> (insert weird YouTuber making a blowjob face)


dark-phoenix-lady t1_jb5h046 wrote

>Mission: Escape the old mansion
>Secondary mission: unmarried
>Difficulty: Hard

There, fixed it for you.