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GrantGorewood t1_j7tze1d wrote

Part one:

The ringing of the phone woke me from my slumber far earlier than usual. I glanced at the time, it read 4am. I had only gotten two hours sleep, so I was half tempted to ignore the ringing and go back to bed. But some nagging feeling told me ignoring this call might actually haunt me.

I pick up the phone and the first thing I hear is crying and whimpering.

“Whoever you are you better have a damn good reason for calling me at 4am.” I growl into the phone.

The somewhat familiar voice on the other end responds to my threat in a way I did not expect.

“Eternas the Destroyer, it’s.. this is Faeblade..” my most recent young heroic foes voice is interrupted by sniffles and barely restrained sobs.

“Faeblade? Why are you calling me? And how did you get my number? And why are you crying?”

I left the question as to why the intrepid hero would be calling at such an early hour unsaid. I may look like I am in my early 30’s but I have been alive for centuries. As a result I have enough life experience to know when something extremely serious is going on. And every fiber of my villainous immortal body sensed something extremely serious had happened to Faeblade.

The young teenage heroes sobs slow, anguish filled their voice once more echoes through my ears. “It’s my parents. I have been busy saving the city and fighting you so I failed to finish my daily chores. My grades have also suffered, and my dad is extremely strict. After our fight today I came home and found Lucky, you know him as FaeHound, dead from multiple iron based gunshot wounds. My father had just..sniff..dumped Lucky’s body on my bed.”


GrantGorewood t1_j7tzfi8 wrote

Part 2

I’m in shock, not surprised just shocked. After all I’ve been alive longer than most nations, I’ve seen horrific things; done a vast amount of vile things myself. But I do in fact have morals, extremely twisted morals but I do have them. And if there is one thing I can’t stand it’s abusive parents.

I feel my free hands clenching into a fist as Faeblade continues to explain what happened.

“My father, he heard my wails and just walked to the doorway and saw me cradling my best friend’s corpse. And he.. he told me that boys who don’t do chores get punished. Then he grabbed a bag and threw it at me, and told me to get out. I asked why and he said he had checked my computer search history, and read my diaries. He knew I was gay, and told me if I was not out of the house in two hours he would shoot me like he had my dog. My father then said a ton of things I can’t repeat. I just remember packing my things and then wandering. I asked around and Ripline, you know the villain who sometimes teams up with you? He gave me your number. I did not call right away because well, you’re a supervillain.” Faeblade voice trails off.

“And you’re a superhero.” I know what the kid is expecting, he thinks I’m going to say no. However as I said I’ve seen this before, and though I am a supervillain I’m not s monster.

“But based on what you have told me I can guess what you want to ask. I have a guesthouse out back. It’s usually reserved for when other villains visit. The bed is always made, food is in the fridge. You remember my mountain lair? If you can get here I’ll open the door for you and give you the guesthouse key. No smashing through walls though alright? I just got them repaired.” I am sure the young hero is in shock.

A few minutes of stunned silence ensues before Faeblade responds, “You will really let me stay with you? But why?”

I sigh, “Because I know what other options you may resort to. Remember kid I’m centuries old, you think you are the first heroic foe I’ve helped like this? I may be a immortal ageless supervillain but I’m not a complete monster. Your father on the other hand, he is a complete unforgivable monster.”

“He is.. you are right my father is a monster. I’ll be over in a hour, and Eternas.. thank you.” I hear the click as Faeblade hangs up the phone. Meanwhile I’m already making plans to deal with their father and potentially revive Lucky the FaeHound.

As I said I’ve seen this kind of situation before, and as far as I’m concerned beings like Faeblade’s father are not people; but brutal rabid beasts to be put down. And after the young hero is settled in the guest house I intend to deal with their father.

But before that happens thoughI dial a number I haven’t used in a long time, “Hey Goldenboy, you know the Fae kid? Yeah their dad killed their superdog and kicked them out. Yes they are staying with me, yeah same place you did all those years ago. Why am I calling the illustrious SolarStriker? Oh I just wanted to see if you could use your position as leader of the heroes association to overlook a certain incident that will happen today. Yeah exactly like what I did when you showed up on my doorstep. You can? Thanks Goldenboy, yes I’ll make sure the kid is safe. Yeah he probably needs a short leave from hero duties to process things. Alright yeah I know, thanks again and bye Goldenboy.”

I hang up the phone satisfied that once Faeblade is safely in the guest house I can go and deal with that monstrous father without repercussions. Just as I’ve done many times before.