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GoblinBags t1_isfqoxu wrote

Not gunna lie: I am very, very excited for them to fucking disappear. Let's just hope it gets replaced with something cool.


TheConeIsReturned t1_isgh4ks wrote

Yeah I just checked it out today and woof. The merchandise was trash garbage and hideous and way too expensive for what it is.

The $32,000 chandelier made me actually laugh out loud.

I'm glad I went, though. Checked out a few mattresses that I'll doubtlessly find cheaper online.


Coolguyforeal t1_isk4mtp wrote

lol so not even worth it with the sale huh?


TheConeIsReturned t1_isk8edr wrote

There was some decent stuff but again, too expensive. Chintzy construction, cheap materials, etc.