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SpaceTurtles t1_j4c10dv wrote

Pretty easy to make one's own good sweet tea, grits, and barbecue, at least. I was going through brisket withdrawals, and over the last year I taught myself how to do one up when the mood strikes.


Splixalpha t1_j4c5lo3 wrote

Yeah, not the same as going to your favorite spot during a summer night while someone plays music on the patio and the fireflies flicker. The main thing I miss about the south is the food.


Dedpoolpicachew t1_j4db85v wrote

Yea, you’ll pretty much have to make your own. You order an iced tea at a restaurant it’s going to come unsweetened most likely. You’ll have to use every pack of sugar on the table and stir for a LONG time to get it right. I grew up in GA. All my friends look at me funny when I dump 6 packs of sugar in the tea. What can I say, it ain’t good until sugar won’t dissolve anymore.