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VaeVictis997 t1_j41u42q wrote

It’s not like it’s even a good way of extracting revenue! The state is going to get way more out of someone being employable in the long run. Plus not paying all the social costs.

But someone being a functional citizen and paying taxes makes no money for the prison and rehab industries.


zer04ll t1_j41v5lm wrote

for profit prisons should be illegal. If we could close those then we could make laws and punishments that help society instead of providing capitalists with slave labor. The 14th amendment did not get rid of slavery, it made it legal if you are a prisoner. After the 14th amendment Pinkerton forces were formed to catch black people and immigrants breaking "town laws, codes, statues" in order to imprison them for free labor. This expanded into Police forces. Sheriffs are supposed to be here, cops not so much. Cops are the slave catchers for Americas continual use of slave labor so UNICOR can make half a billion in sales every year. Prisoners produce 11 billion worth of goods every year


VaeVictis997 t1_j41vkeu wrote

I mean, it’s not like sheriffs function any differently.