Submitted by KeegorTheDestroyer t3_101vply in Washington

Hello my neighbors to the north,

I (an Oregonian) just bought a Discover Pass for the first time and have a question. Do they actually make you write in the license plate number? Would I be cited if I didn't?

I ask because I have 3 vehicles that I use for recreation (my car, wife's car, and our camper van), so I'd like to be able to rotate it between the 3.

Has anyone ever gotten flack from wardens/park entrance stations for not having your plate number filled in/matched to your vehicle?



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board__ t1_j2puf7s wrote

Yes, it isn't valid unless it has the license plate of the vehicle it is in written on it


Seraphynas t1_j2pvs54 wrote

You can register 2 different license plates on the same pass. It is meant to be able to rotate between cars. You just can’t bring both cars on the same pass at the same time.

Also, does Oregon have anything similar to the Discover Pass?


KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2q05cr wrote

Yes I understand the top point but was hoping to find a way to use it with my 3rd vehicle as well.

And yes, Oregon has a state parks pass for $30/year or $50/2 years good for all state parks.


Low_Stress_1041 t1_j2qjmwh wrote

If you want to use it on three vehicles, you will need to buy two passes.

You can't use one pass for three vehicles. And to be perfectly clear, you can only use one pass for one vehicle at a time.


[deleted] t1_j2q4548 wrote

I have never written my plates in and never had an issue. That being said, I like the pencil idea a few people have suggested and will do that from now on lol


EtherPhreak t1_j2qk42h wrote

Wipe board marker. The other method I used was to tuck it where the black of the windshield would block the plate. I was allowed to use a company rig for personal use, but I would end up with different trucks throughout the year.


Zhenja92 t1_j2q6fkf wrote

You do have to write your license plate on it - but you can put two license plates on (so it won't cover all three, but you can pick the two you use the most) Also, if you want to find places that require a specific pass (such as Discover) or don't take a pass at all, I do recreation maps that have all the recreation with information on the pass required.


Nearly_Pointless t1_j2qljk5 wrote

It’s $30. Pay up or take your chances. The ticket is $99 so there is your risk/reward data to make a decision.


Spork_Facepunch t1_j2pws14 wrote

If it were me, I would probably just put the two most likely vehicles on the pass and take my chances with the third, especially if it's not going to be frequent.

It's not like they're going to throw you in jail or impound the vehicle. At most, you'd get a small fine, but probably not even that. You can often pay by the day at the site, as well.


sgnl_01 t1_j2q0905 wrote

I had simply forgotten to write down my plate number on the pass when I renewed it and the nice park ranger wrote it down on the pass when I handed her the pass at Deception Pass.


lonerwolf85 t1_j2pul4t wrote

You can have two vehicles on the pass.


Spork_Facepunch t1_j2pvrlj wrote

They're asking because they have three vehicles.


KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2pw07f wrote

Yes this. My wife's car would rarely be used but there are times where I could see her going across the river to Beacon Rock while I'm at work with my car.

I just wanted to see if anyone had not filled theirs out and got away with it.


manos_de_pietro t1_j2pwbdy wrote

Maybe someone, somewhere, sometime. But do really want to be that guy?


Dusty923 t1_j2pzm1p wrote

Don't be that guy. Just pick which two cars you're gonna put on it, and get another pass if you have to. I know it's not your state, but it's nature and we all want to ensure access to it.


KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2pzw84 wrote

Seems fair. I would rarely use it for my wife's car anyway, but just wanted to get the lowdown from folks who have experience.


PNW509360 t1_j2q6efl wrote

Never wrote the license plate number and never had an issue.


anybodyiwant2be t1_j2q838q wrote

I’ve only written one license plate on ours and yesterday we took my wife’s car and forgot it but luckily Jan 1 is a “free day” at state parks so all good. I also have multiple cars and left the second spot blank in case we took a different car. I’m going to use a pencil if I need it.


ChampagneStain t1_j2qffhr wrote

A few times I’ve forgotten to write in any plate numbers, and have never been cited. But we don’t often visit busy parks in the high season. If you want to game the system, you could leave it blank and hope the ranger would let you write in at the time (if caught in-person). That said, if you can afford it, it’s $35 to buy a second pass, and the parks can use the $$. We currently have three vehicles so have two passes.


hotdog-waters t1_j2qhlrk wrote

Pencil works fine, but I left mine blank all last year with no problems. Actually, I usually forget to even get it out of the glove box and never received a ticket.


zwack t1_j2sxdl3 wrote

Buy the second pass. It’s $30, not worth cheating.


stateofdekayy t1_j38fezj wrote

I’ve used white out several times with no issues


Whisenhunt55 t1_j2qbkde wrote

Its only for two vehicles per household,yes you have to write plate # but you can buy additional for other cars