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Pecners OP t1_j1hvlv1 wrote

I made this in R using the rayshader package (code here). Data from the Kontur Population Dataset. This dataset estimates worldwide population in 400m hexagonal geometries using a combination of "GHSL, Facebook, Microsoft Buildings, Copernicus Global Land Service Land Cover, Land Information New Zealand, and OpenStreetMap data." The map is presented at an angle to better illustrate heights.

I also made a live-coding tutorial for how I make these maps, find the video here.

I'm more active posting this kind of stuff on Twitter, follow me there if you're interested (@MrPecners).

I've also posted other states on their respective subs, see my other maps on my profile: u/Pecners.


foreverhalcyon8 t1_j1i2f8r wrote

You’ll want to clean up ONP, unless this includes black bears too!


pala4833 t1_j1iah65 wrote

Nah, those are all just transient deer from Port Townsend.


Orway2000 t1_j1i8otm wrote

One source for the data appears to be Facebook and Sasquatch is very active from what I understand.

Or maybe geotagged images from hikers.


loquacious t1_j1iqh9s wrote

You definitely have a bunch of noise in your data representation, there are "buckets" all over Olympic National Park and that striping east of the Cascades isn't right, either.


grumbly t1_j1igxkm wrote

Oh nice! I saw your maps of Illinois and went looking to see if you generated a Washington one. Lo and behold here it is!

We talk about two half’s of the states all the time. Here it is in bold detail. Also really reinforces where all the economic activity and population is.


andthedevilissix t1_j1j6efa wrote

Kinda need people to make food tho, and then you need people to work providing services to the people who make food.


eyeoxe t1_j1igb3l wrote

Do you have one for the whole usa? Curious to see how it compares.