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WJMaster12 t1_j87kxjg wrote

That’s an epic picture!


teabagalomaniac t1_j880uxh wrote

That's a fucking screensaver shot for a lock screen.


islandinthecold t1_j87oudy wrote

Wow! Absolutely stunning! Where was this taken from in the Olympics?


adirtyscav OP t1_j87pz62 wrote

Thanks! Appreciate it. It's from Mt Ellinor on my descent!


BamBamCam t1_j87yezy wrote

Where’s the snow level at right now? I’ve been wanting to get up there but life has been keeping me down. Skiable to the upper lot at least?


adirtyscav OP t1_j8au39y wrote

I don't ski but saw a few people in skins heading up. I would maybe check out send trip reports, sorry I can't be more help with that.


No_Newspaper6544 t1_j8asawo wrote

How was the snow? Did you skimo?


adirtyscav OP t1_j8b03k2 wrote

I didnt have flotation so spent a mile or two post holing it was pretty exhausting. Didn't see too many people on skis, just one pair I think.


jamieanne32390 t1_j88bq8f wrote

That is breathtaking!

I have to ask, what did you take this picture with? It is clean and high quality, even zoomed all the way in.


adirtyscav OP t1_j8auaqo wrote

Thanks! This was actually my first outing with a Sony A7Riii. The sun effect is created by having a really high f/stop. The f was 20 for this picture.


jamieanne32390 t1_j8dr8ab wrote

Ooo that's a nice piece of equipment! I've always struggled to get the light flare without washing out the rest of the shot. I'll try cranking up the f stop next time for sure. Thank you!


kgbslip t1_j89o6ps wrote

What a great shot!


c0y0t3_sly t1_j8a3w9n wrote

That is one hell of a photo.


SkiesFetishist t1_j8ax33k wrote

Fucking incredible photo. The sun is so perfect that it looks like a painting. All of it does. Thanks for sharing.