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ins0ma_ t1_j06wily wrote


Thats great! Your own link contradicts your statements.

From your link:

"Vaccination protects you and others
The COVID-19 vaccination offers strong protection against serious illness. There is a slight risk that you can still get COVID-19 even if you have been vaccinated, although if you do, your symptoms will most likely be mild. Since the risk of becoming ill is low, it is also less likely that you will infect others. Experience from other countries has shown that the spread of infection decreases as more and more people are vaccinated. For this reason, vaccination is key to helping stop the pandemic...."

It continues. Did you even bother to read your own source material?


rocketeerH t1_j06yc7q wrote

Obviously you’re not going to change that guys “mind,” but thank you for trying. Epic way to show him he’s wrong using his own link


SilverNicktail t1_j07iv3w wrote

Hahaha this literally always happens. These people never, ever actually attempt to read or comprehend their sources. They just spot one thing somewhere official sounding, that they think agrees with them on a surface level, and then shout "AHA!"