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jjdressgown t1_iw5mbg9 wrote

Phenomenal job. Very impressive. Wonderful.


Robot1c_ t1_iw6dikd wrote

Ik you’re being genuine but why does this read like a Trump tweet lmao


Dontlettherobotswin t1_iw6hail wrote

Multiple simple sentences that mean the same thing.


shaneh445 t1_iw6uvjm wrote

Some people say--lots of people say--many folks are saying--


Shutterbug34 t1_iw7umek wrote

They ALL say - - Everyone says - - Only losers aren’t saying it.


DarthNihilus_501st t1_iw6uez9 wrote

You have to picture the eye-squinting, hand movements (that little pinch that he does), and the vertical up and down movement of that cat asshole of a mouth he has to really nail it as a Trump tweet lmao.


Knobbenschmidt t1_iwbatw2 wrote

Come on guys hate on people somewhere else. This is about a guy doing good in the world for other human beings. Your entitled to your opinions and feelings but this isn't the place. Nobody wants to hear about THAT guy wherever they go. Just remove him from the collective consciousness and positivity will increase. We need more people like this article guy in the world. This is only the third good thing he is doing out of 30 on a timeline that ends in February. Its so rare to see people doing selfless and good things for others anymore. I am sure there is some of it happening out there especially around the holidays but its always the negative that gets all the press. Or politics blech. They should limit that stuff to the 2 months coming up to an election. I hope people see this article and it inspires them to do something good. It doesn't have to be for a whole bunch of folks. Even doing something kind for a single person has merit in this world. May you all have a blessed and wonderful holiday season.


ElwoodJD t1_iw7637v wrote

Not enough typos for Trump but I can still hear his voice saying it for sure.


No-Consideration-858 t1_iw7ensn wrote

I used to volunteer with SFSPCA. It’s an excellent organization with devoted staff and volunteers.

This guy is indeed phenomenal, impressive and wonderful.


nerevisigoth t1_iw7rvvi wrote

The SFSPCA shelter is so nice that I'd feel bad taking an animal out of there. "Sorry cat, no more luxury private room with a cat-scale local landmark. You live in my dingy apartment now."


Land-Dolphin1 t1_iw85rra wrote

I know! Such a great example for other shelters.
The place I adopted my last 2 kitties was the complete opposite. It was windowless with just a single lightbulb. I wanted to get all of the kitties out of there. I adopted a 4 and 9 year old. Best kitties ever.


SentryCake t1_iw65vhs wrote

Animal rescue work can be absolutely soul crushing at times, and you will see things you can’t un-see. Veterinary medicine is even worse.

Good for this guy for making the workers’ days a little easier.


Red_Iine t1_iw6j6cy wrote

My dream in life was to be a vet. Two years as a tech and I gave it up. Crazy difficult work


moose_tassels t1_iw6mjnr wrote

Me too. Two years as a vet tech in the south where cruelty was so often the solution and....nope.


akiomaster t1_iw7j930 wrote

Someone dropped two dogs off to our shelter saying if we didn't take them, he was was going to treat their mange with oil. My naive ass thought he meant olive oil, because it would never occurred to me that someone would actually "treat" mange with motor oil . Disgusting.


iWillNeverReplyToYou t1_iw7sjob wrote

>... in the south where cruelty was so often the solution...

Well that explains why they vote for Republicans


Butlerian_Jihadi t1_iw8j03e wrote

I believe both are explained by an essential lack of respect for life in favor of their perception of how others view them.

It is awful and we need to stop them.


sswarren t1_iw7rz7s wrote

I was a vet tech at ft Riley during a large deployment and all the animals that were left by spouses leaving. And a couple of pretty bad cases of neglect (one dog had an embedded collar). My worst dreams are of animals coming back for revenge for euthanizing them.


moose_tassels t1_iw7x59o wrote

That's so heartbreaking. Why do people have to be so awful?


SentryCake t1_iw6mm1o wrote

My dream was also to become a vet- I started going through the animal rescue path.

We all love the happy ending stories, but then there’s the cases where the animals are in such poor condition they don’t make it. It sticks with you forever.

I know that vets (and vet techs) see even worse things. Hope you’re doing okay.


SchnozzleNozzle t1_iw6u2wd wrote

I did work experience as a 15 year old hoping to be a vet. The RSPCA brought in 30 rabbits from an old woman's house who had died. She'd been keeping them all over the house - in the oven, in the microwave, the bathtub. They were all very sweet but some of them were in a state. Matted, injuries from fights, nails overgrown and curled into their own feet.

I had to hold about 10 of them as they got put to sleep. The rest were treated and rehomed.

I'm a human doctor now. I couldn't cope with playing an active part in death.


bebe_bird t1_iw745ee wrote

And here I'm dreading the day we have to make the choice to put our 10 yo dog down, even tho she's in perfect health and I'm hoping it's 4-5 years down the line

(she's a beagle, although she had a neck inflammation/pulling her back out type scare about a year ago where the vet was encouraging us to do a $10k surgery - we don't believe in spending that much on our dog, although there are ways to afford it, and I seriously thought we'd had to say goodbye. Luckily she responded well to about $300 in medicines and hasn't had a relapse)

My point is, I'm dreading a one time event that vets/vet techs have to deal with so frequently.


SchnozzleNozzle t1_iw7gna9 wrote

Same but my dog is 2. I sometimes read rainbow bridge stories on r/dogs and then just worry.


IndigoBluePC901 t1_iw7hreh wrote

Did you know there is pet insurance?


moose_tassels t1_iw8fwy1 wrote

This. I have Trupanion and they are amazing. Knocked my 23k bill down to 3k. Which is still a lot but hell, I would have remortgaged my house, sold my vehicle, I would have done anything for my kid. Didn't have to thankfully.


bebe_bird t1_iwa6vgv wrote

I do - we actually cancelled ours because the annual maximum was $1500 and monthly payments were $40/month - and essentially only accidents were covered (nothing that was preventive care or pre existing condition, which included arthritis for us). That was when she was 6 yo and it kept getting more expensive every year she got older. It just wasn't worth it for us, but maybe there's better policies out there.


Red_Iine t1_iw72bu1 wrote

You bet. That was 18 years ago (my god). Stumbled into a career I love


SoulSearchingRaven t1_iw6l6lq wrote

Never too late to seek for your dreams though. Saying that if you don’t feel happy with your current job. 🤘


Red_Iine t1_iw72f5a wrote

Found a dream I never even knew I had. Life couldn't be better, besides the American healthcare system and the two party government tearing itself apart but that's for a different sub lol


4_0Cuteness t1_iw7akc5 wrote

As a certified vet tech who changed to animal control and shelter medicine……shelter medicine is worse than vet clinics.


emleeeee t1_iw95n6c wrote

1000%. Worked in an emergency vet as a break from from sheltering. Shelters are so much worse.


missjeany t1_iw85dei wrote

My dream job was to be a vet, but then I thought about this and gave up. I can't get any more depressed


BackHomeRun t1_iw8hwh0 wrote

We just took in more than 50 dogs from a hoarding case. Multiple 12 hour days of bathing, shaving, and treating undersocialized dogs that had never seen a vet in their life, ages from 3 days to 8 years. I love my job but I am just dead tired.


emleeeee t1_iw95gcn wrote

I ran an emergency vet and now run a shelter.

Shelters are worse. Much worse.

Shelter work has similar suicide rates and typically lower pay and much more physical labor than vet med. It’s a tough gig that not everyone is capable of. Vet med is hard too, not denying, but shelter workers are under appreciated bc people think it’s just playing with puppies without the medical background.


VanceXentan t1_iw5qawx wrote

Dudes a king. So many shelters need stuff.


[deleted] t1_iw613ma wrote



[deleted] t1_iw69d90 wrote



fakeprewarbook t1_iw6mqgq wrote

oh, i have a feeling they randomly insert their niche hobby onto posts that have nothing to do with it all the time


johnnymarsbar t1_iw6nq8n wrote

I mean it's how you find other niche goblins, I see people posting 'I think you should leave now' references all over reddit even though there's a very slim chance anyone will know what the fuck they're talking about.


TheDakestTimeline t1_iw6234b wrote

I read that and am now even more confused


[deleted] t1_iw62w55 wrote



otterfish t1_iw68ixc wrote

Username definitely checks out. Sorry to hear about Dekker.


mechwarrior719 t1_iw692ts wrote

I warned him Spiders don’t make good melee mechs, especially when you’re only at 3 piloting and guts, but that’s life as a merc I guess.

On the bright side, I don’t have to pay him anymore.


BackwardPalindrome t1_iw6k3d5 wrote

Donated self-care items to the shelters workers. Still incredible work and a really beautiful thing to do, but it was for the people, not the animals.

Bless those cute puppers and kitters and any other animals though, too.


M_my_Bell t1_iw5zzue wrote

I missed the workers part and thought why on earth would dogs need deodorant.


FineMetalz t1_iw658lp wrote

They do have that wet dog smell from the yeast and bacteria on their fur


M_my_Bell t1_iw68mly wrote

True. Let's rub then down with deodorant.


probable_ass_sniffer t1_iw69f5c wrote

Is this why that other guy is rambling about some fake beer? Does he want to make dog beer from their fur yeast?


Meduxnekeag t1_iw6wcqj wrote

Did you know that in the US, shelter employees have a higher than average rate of dying by suicide?

> A recent study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine reveals that animal rescue workers have a suicide rate of 5.3 in 1 million workers. This is the highest suicide rate among American workers; a rate shared only by firefighters and police officers. The national suicide average for American workers is 1.5 per 1 million.


ultraviolentcringe t1_iw7r7kb wrote

I'm a groomer and I 100% see why. Most of my friends also work with animals and it can be a very isolating field. You overwork for the love of living beings and you're constantly seeing the mistreatment of innocents. I and every single one of my friends have either some sort of mental health issue or came from a bad home. We have all been so low that we cope by showing kindness to others. But then compassion fatigue hits. Hatred towards the owners and the horrible trauma these animals have endured.

Isolated, depressed, and hopeless. Of course this is happening.


SlimTech118 t1_iw5fnpe wrote

Bought them all during COVID and realized he couldn’t return them 😂 /s


thegreatcanadianeh t1_iw5xou4 wrote

>He was influenced to put together the care boxes of things likevitamins, healthy snacks and bath products after seeing the spike inanimal adoptions during the pandemic. He learned that shelter workersare five times more likely to develop PTSD.

Highly doubt it! But still nice gesture.


Breakfest-burrito t1_iw6rwbg wrote

Incredibly generous but I don't understand why bath items and vitamins? Are these people broke? Or was this like part of a wish list? I would be hella confused if got a stick of deodorant and some raisins as a show of appreciation.


CuileannDhu t1_iw6xacm wrote

It's a self-care pack. Healthy snacks, vitamins, and personal care items don't seem amiss.


emleeeee t1_iw95wyb wrote

As a shelter manager, yes, we are hella broke


Breakfest-burrito t1_iw966ku wrote

Oh dang, I genuinely had no idea! I figured you were paid just as well as any other job. Granted, most people have to work multiple jobs just to get by, but I didn't think shelter workers were specifically underpaid


emleeeee t1_iw98c7e wrote

Yep, most shelters are nonprofits or government funded. The jobs don’t require a ton of technical training that you could get from a university or trade program, but still require a lot of specialized skills. So most of the jobs are minimum wage/entry level.

So for example I am a manager at a shelter that does 3000+ adoptions a year, am euthanasia certified, have my med clerk license, work 50-60 hours a week and am often on call. I have experience with dangerous behavioral animals and have been attacked by horribly aggressive dogs. I have deescalation training for verbally and physically abusive people (and use it on a weekly basis). I have 10+ years experience. I make $25/hr with bare min benefits in an area where min wage is $18


Breakfest-burrito t1_iw993mn wrote

Why do you do it then?


emleeeee t1_ixott6k wrote

The nice answer is bc we love animals, which we do. The less nice, more honest answer is that those of us who are good at it become addicted to it. It takes a certain type of person to be good enough to take care of broken animals, skilled enough to get a wounded/broken animal to trust you. When you figure that out, you’re stuck bc not everyone can do it, and you care so much it hurts. And then you’re hooked.

The only thing that makes me ever seriously consider quitting is the horrible people who do these terrible things to the animals, or scream at me or threaten my staff. That’s what really hurts at the end of the day.


emptyjuicebox t1_iw99fgg wrote

I worked over 60 hours a week, had one of the higher paying rates, pulled OT constantly AND having to do overnight shifts. I still couldn't afford renting on my own (lived with family) and lived paycheck to paycheck.

Starting rate was around $14 (depending on department, barely above minimum wage where I'm from) and the amount of work and responsibility is INSANE. Staff retention is awful because why would people want to deal with the stress (keeping animals alive, not screwing up medications, missing signs of contagious diseases, rushing out to animals hit by cars, abuse cases, etc) for such little money when they could work in something else for less stress and more money. Increasing salaries to retain qualified people (lol) is impossible, because shelters are usually charities or operate on a government budget- fighting tooth and nail to even get basic items. People don't donate to charities to pay people, they want it to go to the animals. They don't realize the overhead it takes to run a shelter to keep the animals there.
So shelters operate with minimum or slightly above minimum wages, only attracting people who are not qualified, or are only staying for 1 or 2 months until they go back to school (takes WEEKS to train). People who stay either are stuck there for other reasons, or truly love the job (and get taken advantage of for it).


EvenLouWhoz t1_iw5ysxh wrote

Such a lovely act of kindness! Thank you for sharing this story.


sonia72quebec t1_iw7g0ai wrote

As a cat shelter volunteer, we truly appreciate any gift. For exemple we have a lady who buys us a large can of coffee every month. Last Christmas, a man gave us a basket of cosmetic products that he had won. We shared all the stuff between us, it was fun.


JustNilt t1_iw7s57e wrote

Yeah, that's a very real issue. I am a combat veteran and while I wouldn't say combat wasn't scary or any such bullshit, I was lucky not to be troubled by my experience with it as much as so many others.

When I was injured and discharged, I considered being a veterinarian and volunteered at a local shelter for a while. That experience taught me well that the shit you see in that field was almost certain to cause me no end of mental health issues so I ended up not going into that line of work.

Shelter workers often see some of the worst abuses that humanity perpetuates on animals. It's a great line of work inasmuch as you get to see heartwarming events fairly often but at the same time there's so much of the polar opposite that it's just awful. I have nothing but respect for anyone who manages to work in that field for any length of time.


bobbybox t1_iw5yc0u wrote

Why did I keep reading this as “detonates” instead of donate?


circadiankruger t1_iw6ewse wrote

You're getting americanized. Soon you'll be carrying a gun and shooting up to the air saying get off my lawn while sueing someone.


Willow-girl t1_iw6z2vp wrote

This is so awesome! Shelter workers are paid so little. I remember when I worked at one, years ago, it operated a thrift store as a funding stream, and one of the wealthy donors brought in a huge trove of clothing to donate, but let us pick through it first and take anything we wanted. We were all so grateful.


head_meet_keyboard t1_iw8g8w6 wrote

For anyone who likes to bake, dropping off cookies or muffins or things like that at your vets office or at a rescue can make bad days much better. I work in animal welfare and the stuff those people do, sometimes for quite frankly insulting pay, is astounding.


Valkyrie5984 t1_iw8x5x9 wrote

Now THIS really IS uplifting news. Humans should do more to show empathy and respect to animals.


mrkstr t1_iw8wvfs wrote

Now that's some uplifting news.


AutoModerator t1_iw4zghr wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Shield03 t1_iwemm74 wrote

Nice!! ❤❤


Igotthebugthewire t1_iw5x2b2 wrote

Do animals need deodorant


btsil001 OP t1_iw5xjj5 wrote

The care boxes were for the shelter workers not the animals


King_Saline_IV t1_iw5u970 wrote

Why? Is there a reason people with a full time job need donations?


ecliptic10 t1_iw5ukm6 wrote

"One San Francisco native has the goal of completing 30 acts of kindness before his 30th birthday, and he just completed his third on Wednesday.

Bryan Tsiliacos individually packaged 118 care boxes and hand-delivered them to animal shelter workers. His first stop of the day was the San Francisco SPCA. “Nothing like this has happened in the four years that I’ve been here so it is really nice to see,” said Riley Smith, SFSPCA Animal Trainer.

This was one of the thirty acts of kindness for essential workers that he plans on completing before turning 30 years old in February. “This was our biggest one yet,” said Tsiliacos."


bitterdick t1_iw63hpb wrote

Many shelter workers are volunteers.


ButtcrackBeignets t1_iw6aswz wrote


I’ve volunteered at multiple shelters and there’s a world of difference between the volunteers and the workers.


kelsobjammin t1_iw5wnwb wrote

I think /r/sanfrancisco would love to know about this!


thegreatcanadianeh t1_iw5xwrg wrote

Is there a reason that someone needs to make someones day/week/month a little brighter after the shit storm that the last 2 years have been? I really hope you are not serious otherwise you are missing the point.


TheCrazedTank t1_iw5z0m4 wrote

One of the rules of this sub is that you can't point out how an "uplifting" story is anything but, and is actually a sign of the dystopia state of society.

I think OP is trying to say something without actually saying something.


thegreatcanadianeh t1_iw5zlid wrote

I dont see that rule anywhere, nor do I see the comments really reflecting what you are stating.


TheCrazedTank t1_iw60cgg wrote

Reread "Rule #1" it is vague enough that posts have been removed for this very reason.


penatbater t1_iw5zxtg wrote

I don't think they need donations. But vets or people who work with animals suffer from such bouts of depression and trauma that vets disproportionately fall to suicide more than the general population (1 in 6 vets in the US have contemplated suicide, and are between 1.6 to 2.4 times more likely to commit suicide than the Gen pop). Which makes sense considering the nature of their job. So it's probably sth to show appreciation and support for the vets.


DemonicGenetics t1_iw5ujs3 wrote

It's multiple shelters , most are underfunded and understaffed, every little bit helps.


cryingeyes t1_iw5vagy wrote

Lol 😂 get it … cuz capitalism is a joke
