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tulipseamstress t1_iw2cdca wrote

When employees reveal their salaries to employers, employers use that as a reason to pay them less. For instance, if someone is moving up from retail to an office job and the office boss sees the retail salary before making an offer, the office boss will offer the potential employee less money. The boss thinks the employee will accept less because of what the employer is used to.

For this reason, many states ban bosses from asking about salary history:


MobiusCube t1_iw2q2s1 wrote

Salary history has nothing to do with the salary of the position in question.


VietOne t1_iw2wzaj wrote

So then there's no reason a employer should ask. Glad you agree on that employers shouldn't ask for salary history.


MobiusCube t1_iw5lp0r wrote

I never said they should.


VietOne t1_iw5p54y wrote

> It's strange that they force employers to reveal salaries, but not employees. Not very equitable of them.


MobiusCube t1_iw5shvs wrote

Your desired range for the job you apply for is not your salary history.