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CharlieFibrosis t1_j7uhepj wrote

We had a German Shepherd/Husky mix we adopted back around early 2013. One day when me and my brothers were getting ready for school; she slipped between my knee and the door frame and trotted off. We tried to stop her, but her being aloof with humans and we had only had her for a month at that point, she still didn’t fully trust us/didn’t like the idea of being trapped (probably some trauma in how she was captured before SPCA got to her and got her into the adoption center) and off she goes.

We looked for her for about 10 mins and I felt majorly guilty on losing her. My mom was talking to a neighbor to try and get some eyes if they spot her and all. As she’s speaking to him, our dog comes trotting down the street on the sidewalk, pretty much just took herself on a walk around the block as she had gotten use to the walks my brothers had taken her on and probably picked up on the smell of Pop Tarts that they’d snack on while walking her.

That dog got out a few times after and while she went on some wild adventures (slipped out one time, got to a busy road, was almost captured by a couple who spotted her, she ran back home, only to then have the couple ask if they could check for a dog that got in our backyard (us thinking it was an entirely separate dog and she was just chilling in one of her spots) and find out that she was the dog they were following which confused us as to when she got out) she somehow found her way back home all the times with no issues.

Hard to say as to if I want another dog ahead (she was put down after a string of bad seizures by an unknown cause) but I will have sentimental memories for such an aloof, neurotic, but sometimes smart dog and the fact she always made it back home; a trait I hope a future dog in my lifetime will possess as well if they ever get out