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stereoroid t1_ja2i11t wrote

That's like saying a car with an empty tank is experiencing gasoline withdrawal symptoms.


Kreebish t1_ja2xglh wrote

Close but cars are not made of gasoline whereas humans are made of water mainly.


stereoroid t1_ja4erju wrote

Sure, but without gasoline, cars cease to function. Without water, humans cease to function.


Kreebish t1_ja4pdyc wrote

A car without gas is still thousands of pounds of steel and plastic but a human without water goes from being over a hundred pounds to most likely being a clump of around 20 or 30 pounds


hazpat t1_ja4307o wrote

Close but we are not made of water, we contain water and use it as a medium for the organic molecules we are made of.


Kreebish t1_ja4ndkl wrote

By percentage name me one thing we have more of than water. Calcium? Carbon? Not even close... I mean maybe if you have bone cancer or something


hazpat t1_ja4o4up wrote

So by that logic water bottles are made of water? Lol


Kreebish t1_ja4t52v wrote

Water bottle sans water is just a bottle. Human sans water is just a cump of dust and bones


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ja2hvlb wrote

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BertzReynolds t1_ja4aqor wrote

This is he dumbest thing I have read since the Lady Gaga dog ransom story.