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huh_phd t1_j15z8mp wrote

That place has always given me the creeps


blitzkreigbop9 t1_j164jbp wrote

I actually love it there


Imafurrydontjuge t1_j16flij wrote

Is it a good fishing spot?


Ok-Impact-8868 t1_j16wqmb wrote

I’ve caught beautiful salmon, bass, and even a golden trout earlier this spring. Love going there with my Dad. Past few years it’s noticeably gone downhill. Some locals blame the CT border folks. Regardless, it’s a RI DEM stocked water, under RI DEM jurisdiction, using RI taxpayer money, so ultimately I blame them for letting this spot go to hell. I was there a few weeks ago when the Porta potty was pulled out of the water. The DEM never even showed up. Shameful.


GEARHEADGus t1_j1ojc7r wrote

DEM has been useless lately


Ok-Impact-8868 t1_j1ojjxb wrote

Is it a staffing issue? I don’t get it. Years past they were practically militant. Any word on an ID?


blitzkreigbop9 t1_j16pmfh wrote

I don’t fish often, but one of the few times I’ve caught a fish was here so I’d say yes haha


BlueEyedRage t1_j16l4bm wrote

The natives have a story of a giant snake that lives there


dabbin_vixen420 t1_j19onhw wrote

Where can I learn more of this ??


BlueEyedRage t1_j19qlsy wrote

I read it in a book at Barnes and Nobel about weird Rhode Island stories, but i didn't end up buying the book so I dont remember the name, sorry. Their local section is only like one shelf though, I bet you could find it if you poked around.


nevitales t1_j16fawi wrote

I think there's many of us that think it was a bit off there.


dabbin_vixen420 t1_j19ock4 wrote

Someone I went to school with committed suicide in these woods. No wonder I always had a weird feeling when taking my dog out there. It's eerie, even the pond.


huh_phd t1_j19p1qt wrote

I've known of three people offing themselves there. I don't get it. Not to mention the people jumping off the tressle right near by


dabbin_vixen420 t1_j19piyb wrote

I wonder what draws people there to do that. I wouldn't really call it secluded. But I've never been hiking far enough into the woods so I wouldn't really know. I've only been there maybe 4 times and every time just feels off. I feel like I am being watched.


zombiefate t1_j1fvnxm wrote

Yeah, years back I was riding on the trail near by and they had just found a woman's body off the tressle, and I think the story was she walked there from Providence...really long walk to take if you were feeling suicidal. That suspicion is why I took notice of this story.