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iarmit t1_iyy9du2 wrote

So, I'm not sure what changed, but the one on Rte 3 (exit 4off 95N) doesn't seem to give you your hash browns 75%of the time and only gives you 1 pump of flavors (even though they'll ring it up for the correct ratio based on size).

I had to change my morning routine because my medium ice mocha with cream (so 3 pumps) would still be WHITE white after I spent minutes mixing in the one half assed squirter of chocolate


ekj0926 t1_iyyodab wrote

Were they giving you mocha shot or swirl? I had same issue with caramel and French vanilla, and started to get some eye rolls from workers when pleading to not give me the swirl. Huge difference


theKayRocker t1_iz04dya wrote

The drive thru one is horrible but if you go to the one in mobile, they are normally much better!