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Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_ixx0yxc wrote

This is a great question, the short answer is many will likely become potential felons for Christmas. The law doesn’t pass constitutional muster, however until it moves through the courts firearm owners in Rhode Island are under their thumb. It can be pretty scary being a law abiding citizen one day and being jammed up on felony charges the next because you forgot a 15rd magazine in your range bag. It’s best to air of the side of caution and sanity to remove all the 11 plus round magazines you have in your collection and take them charter fishing before December 21. After the ban is repealed you can send a scuba diver down to retrieve them.


smokejaguar t1_ixykd6c wrote

It also has some serious ambiguity in the wording of the legislation. While it gives members of the National Guard an exemption, it states "when authorized" in the legislation. Does that mean a member serving during drill and activations only? What if one of my guys forgets a standard capacity magazine in their backpack? Will they be a felon while driving home from drill?

This is what happens when knee jerk legislation gets rammed through the general assembly.


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_ixyklj0 wrote

The wording on all 3 bills they passed was terrible, the lawyers in the basement on smith hill must have been up all night drinking.