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Yz-Guy t1_iwnygnb wrote

Two wings of the same bird. I stead of trying to push them further. You'd do well to try to bring everyone together. Your hate for trump and republicans is no better than their hate of you amongst the other shit they spread


sqiub23 t1_iwoc493 wrote

How can you bring people together that live in a different reality? That disagree with facts?


Yz-Guy t1_iwocbok wrote

It's not going to be everyone. But not every republican disagrees with facts. Which is something that is very forgotten. The loudest that you hear and see makes up a small percentage that is the loudest.

But overall. The instant categorization of "oh opposite party is bad" is terrible and dividing the country vastly


Hotwheels-666 t1_iwogfc7 wrote

It's pretty obvious at this point that if you're pro-Trump you are a bad person. It's kinda disgusting how people can try to validate it. He's a lying abusive racist grifter rapist conman who preys on emotionally and intellectually frail people. It's not even hidden. You support that, it's not even Republican at this point. MAGA has split off and taken the majority of them with it. We got out third party.


mkmck t1_iwvs8eb wrote

You forgot traitor and insurrectionist


Yz-Guy t1_iwpd8c8 wrote

Lol. No. It's pretty obvious you're jumping to conclusions. Im not pro trump. I'm definitely not a bad person. But once again you're just assuming I'm bad based on who I had the ability to vote on.

The best part of this is. I'm trying to push civility and peace and youre spitting in my face and calling me names. You are littleral no better than the maga hat wearing racist out there. Bc you've chosen one quality you don't like (which does t appt to me) and deemed it bad and evil.

However I'm not gonna win arguing with the likes on you on the internet. Have a good day and enjoy life.


daymanahhhahhhhhh t1_iwocada wrote

Wanting to hold someone accountable is not hatred. This both sides bullshit isn’t applicable to what this post is about.


Yz-Guy t1_iwocdot wrote

My comment isn't about the post. It's about that dudes one specific comment.


daymanahhhahhhhhh t1_iwode56 wrote

Oh my bad how could I assume you’re not talking about the post while leaving a comment on the post. Lol.


Yz-Guy t1_iwodii9 wrote

Oh idk. Bc the comment specifically just lumped a group as bad for America and my comment was against that. So...context clues would help a lot 🙃


thehillshaveI t1_iwph9dz wrote

thinking that one party would be bad for the country isn't "hate", it's having convictions

i'm not supposed to root for the people i disagree with


Yz-Guy t1_iwpioei wrote

You don't have to root for them. But you can general respect and civility. An understanding that they're still your fellow citizens. There is no need to be nasty. And I'm not saying you are. But so many others definitely are.


thehillshaveI t1_iwpiyct wrote

there was nothing close to disrespectful about the first comment you replied to, and frankly even if there had been you're speaking in defense of the people who run on the concept of "fuck your feelings" so to be fair you are coming off at best like someone who's lived under a rock for at least a decade.

what seems more likely though is you recognize how silly you sound but hiding behind calls for civility gives you an imagined moral high ground


mkmck t1_iwvs30z wrote

Trump and his Trumpanzees are the only traitors though, so hating them makes plenty of sense.