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Newtype879 t1_iuwd9c3 wrote

Oz kills puppies and doesn't even live in this state. Don't vote for him.


Buffmin t1_iuwehk0 wrote

>Oz kills puppies

Bold of you to appeal to empathy when the side pushing the carpetbagger have none


Reign_n_blud t1_iv0bpr1 wrote

Still better than a brain damaged candidate who can’t effectively communicate


SW62173 t1_iv0dgt0 wrote

My god the guy had a stroke. He still can run for office.


Reign_n_blud t1_iv15zbs wrote

Sure he can still run but doubt he can govern. You kind of need linguistic skill for that. But seeing as you voted for a dementia patient for Pres, sure you wouldn’t have issue voting for Special Fed


TheInnerHam t1_iuwdxxz wrote

Oz didn't kill puppies, he just didn't stop the department he oversaw from doing it and he only moved here to run because it was unlikely to work in New Jersey. Vote for whomever you want.


Newtype879 t1_iuwg4sh wrote

Ah right, the eternal way to absolve someone from any guilt. "He didn't actually kill the puppies himself, he just oversaw the experiments and people that did it, knew it was going on and did nothing to stop it."


TheInnerHam t1_iuwgywj wrote

Not absolving anyone of anything just clarifying. His guilt doesn't come from direct action but inaction which is a much more pervasive source of guilt in our society.


[deleted] OP t1_iuwgpl2 wrote

So you're upset about puppies being killed but Fetterman is for abortion throughout all 9 months? Am I right in saying this?


Newtype879 t1_iuwi8qq wrote

I'm in favor of abortion being between a woman and her doctor.


[deleted] OP t1_iuwk2f5 wrote

What if the father decides he doesn't want the baby? What if the mother decides at 9 months she doesn't want to raise the baby? You're okay with them pulling a baby out, while its crying and they decapitate the 9 month old out of the womb (you cannot abort a 9 month baby inside the womb, it would kill the mother)? Again, you're okay with parents pulling a baby out, while its crying and in the hands of a doctor moving around (mother is safe) and then decapitating the baby, but you're more upset about puppies being killed.. is that what you're saying?


Newtype879 t1_iuwlnf4 wrote

My dude, I don't know what kind of sick fantasies you have or you've been fed but that is not how it works. No one is "decapitating" babies. If the baby is born and the mother doesn't want it she can give it up for adoption.

But let me flip this coin for you - you're okay with doctors strapping down a woman and forcing her to give birth even if it will kill her? The mother being put under guard to carry an entoptic pregnancy to term, even though it would eventually kill her? Are you in favor of killing mothers and pregnant women? Is that what you're saying?!

See, I can do it too.

I'm in favor of abortion being between a woman and her doctor because all situations are different and blanket banning it is a bad idea for multiple reasons. It's not a black and white issue and I'm tired of people who can't see or understand that.


Mijbr090490 t1_iuwp7ay wrote

You're voting for people who don't want to allow abortions for any reason. You are okay with a pregnant woman dying because some bald douchebag along with a bunch of other old dudes think it doesn't align with the agenda of their silly, fairy tale stories?

To clarify, I don't agree with abortion. But I take bodily autonomy very seriously and don't believe it is my decision to make.


SuggestAPhotoProject t1_iuwqe2q wrote

You’ll be happy to know that your made-up scenario doesn’t happen.

Women get late term abortions for a variety of medical reasons. They’re not going through the agony of nine months of pregnancy to abort their baby on their delivery day for kicks and giggles.

Wake the fuck up.

This is why healthcare should be between a patient and a doctor, not up to an unrelated person who read a bunch of Facebook memes and got triggered.


yeags86 t1_iuwz9o1 wrote

Give me one example of that happening.


InterLoper610 t1_iuy6y2y wrote

It says a lot about our species that there are those of us dumb enough to write this comment.


LowPermission9 t1_iuwrk5w wrote

Hey a pro lifer….So you support greater gun control to protect innocent children from being shot every day? Sweet man, thanks!


DogAssss69 t1_iuwhdua wrote

If Oz loses it, you only have the GOP MAGA faction to blame for nominating him over McCormick, as the latter would be a shoe in right now to win instead of a coin flip.


InterLoper610 t1_iuy7d2m wrote

On the flip side Ive been wondering if Lamb would be doing better against Oz currently. What Im sure of is that if Fetterman hadnt suffered a stroke, this wouldnt be a close race, at all.


FuzzPunkMutt t1_iuwhxtu wrote

Hitler didn't kill any Jews. He just oversaw operations like Auschwitz and didn't do anything to stop them.


TheInnerHam t1_iux255u wrote

Sorry false equivalency. 1 Hitler ordered the atrocities his country committed and Oz wasn't involved in the exprements that killed the puppies. 2 the lives of a few dozen puppies don't come close in moral equivalence to the lives of millions of people.


yeags86 t1_iuwyxz9 wrote

He only moved her to run, because he wouldn’t get enough votes in Jersey. So basically, he wants power, and doesn’t care how he gets it. He doesn’t give a fuck about PA except it might allow him to get in power. And that’s a guy you want representing you?