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rboymtj t1_jc8wfaj wrote

I put my patio umbrella out last week. It's now broken and half way up a pine tree.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_jcbyxum wrote

Part of my patio shade broke yesterday. I cannot stand the fucking wind. I'm going to have to figure out a way to fix my rolling shade because of this fucking wind.


FlipAround42 t1_jc8oo3k wrote

So true! Nor’easter, bomb cyclone, rain then next day 60 degrees and sunny. Make up your mind Mamma Nature.


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jc8x7yc wrote

This also makes everyone sick too.


Antique_Total_5473 t1_jca4zcd wrote

I’ve always wondered why the weather swings made us sick. I agree it does, just don’t understand the science behind it.


Radack1 t1_jcabmh8 wrote

For allergies, something about the change in pollen. Temp changes like that probably (and this is where i start to not know for sure and talk out my ass; you have been warned) have to mess with airways as well, given thermodynamics and all.


azsoup t1_jc8yrbk wrote

It’s my kids jacket losing weather.


rboymtj t1_jc9gw6u wrote

Throw shoes tied together at the jacket.


throwawayfrommain15 t1_jc8z9cm wrote

This is true everywhere, not just pa.


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jc91zwi wrote

It seems like it, especially in the south over the last decade or so.


thediesel26 t1_jcae33j wrote

It’s the change of seasons. Bipolar weather is somewhat normal


MeanNene t1_jc9tada wrote

It's going to be a scorching summer.


KitKatKnitter t1_jcaghyz wrote

Welp, I'm gonna end up with a few heat related migraines. Fml.


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jcazvxt wrote

I hope it will be a hot one, but we may see some places dealing with draught because of the lack of snow.... at least here in NW PA.


almost40fuckit t1_jc9x6kr wrote

It’s every spring guys


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jcazl4e wrote

Ya, but we like to complain about it like it's the first time ever! Lol


SolChapelMbret t1_jc8whyi wrote

NC used to be like this. Now it’s cold rain or intense tropical heat lol


translove228 t1_jca5ssb wrote

All these temperature fluctuations sure are playing hell with my sinuses...


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jcazfhe wrote

Ya, I know a few people having the same issue. It looks like it's no fun.


hippata2023 t1_jcbacyd wrote

I wouldn't care as much if every fricken weather agency didn't clickbait so hard.

"NOR'EASTERN DUE TO SLAM THE NORTHEAST, CLICK HERE/STAY TUNED TO SEE HOW MUCH SNOW TO EXPECT" -- literally every news and weather broadcast for the past 72 hours. I hate them all.,


jeepguy1982 OP t1_jcbarbd wrote

They really do clickbait pretty hardcore, but then who doesn't these days?


hiding-identity23 t1_jccsi2t wrote

I feel like they used to be pretty consistent at least. I feel like, at least the last few months one outlet says 8 feet of snow, another says 50° and nothing but rain, yet another says no precipitation but 80 billion mph winds.


Ned_Gutters t1_jc9buxu wrote

Lately a lot of put it on and not very much take it off. Getting old real fast.


SideIndividual639 t1_jcd9tsw wrote

A few weeks ago I was sitting outside, and this week I'm listening to my house creak in the wind with temperatures in the 30s and 40s. Plus random snow, not one forecaster said was coming. I don't know if I should pack my car for a blizzard or a spring walk, so we just carry everything 😂


Entire_Ad_306 t1_jcbdvrn wrote

We put out a garden flag two nights ago and it didn’t make it to the morning. That wind was something else