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ButtBlock t1_j9uzpad wrote

I’m sorry to assume otherwise. Looking back on my previous comment I kind of sound like an asshole. I’m sorry. I’ve just seen sooo many posts talking about the “fallout” from East Palestine. All I was concerned about is that you, like many others, were worried about the disaster in Ohio. But it sounds like that’s not your concern so I was making the wrong assumptions.

Like I said there are lots of pollution sources and the health risks are real. I’ve seen New York Harbor foam, and smelled sulfides in the air in New Jersey. It’s bad, but fortunately more rare these days. Can always use more accountability with industry. Hope you’re able to figure something out about the source. Again my apologizes!


Ashamed-Reflection-9 OP t1_j9v5vv0 wrote

I appreciate that. I can get worked up sometimes. I'm trying very hard to stay in my lane with this especially because my posts keep getting deleted and I really want to sort this out.

I know that there are many things that could be the cause but this is out of the norm. I'm 44 years old and I've lived in Orange County my entire life. I have a pretty good idea of what is normal and what is not.


Ashamed-Reflection-9 OP t1_j9v6u63 wrote

So, check this out. This is a map that I'm working on whenever I can grab a minute. This isn't my main goal but it does track dates and locations without exposing any personal information that I may have. It may have duplicates because it combines survey results with info that I scraped from comments across social media platforms. It also only contains observations that have enough location data and an accurate date.