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hilarymeggin t1_iu2lx5b wrote

Salieri was an excellent composer?? Care to provide any examples? Because I’ve heard some real stinkers he wrote. Lots and lots of I V I V I V I V I.

I have an open mind though. I’m ready to learn from you.


cartstanza t1_iu4zwew wrote

Can you remember no melody of his? He was the most famous composer in Europe! He wrote 40 operas alone!


hilarymeggin t1_iu5ira0 wrote

Ok that made me laugh. So I’m giving the Salieri symphony I started yesterday one more try.

What I really want is for someone to give me two pieces, a mediocre one by Salieri and a masterpiece by Mozart, and see if I can tell them apart.

I’ve seen some quizzes like that online, where you have to guess whether something was written by Dickens or a terrible writer. The problem is that they don’t distinguish great writing from poor writing, just the person who wrote it. Like not everything Mozart wire was a masterpiece, and not everything Salieri wrote was terrible. But I think I’d do pretty well distinguishing great music and terrible music.


hilarymeggin t1_iu5j7zn wrote

Okay, I just searched Apple Music for Salieri Arias, and *everything * that came up was a Mozart aria. That’s gotta hurt!