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whereisstrathmere t1_itop5wx wrote

Staff Sargent, which is E-7... quite an achievement. Takes time, so he may have already been in the Army when the war broke out. Not sure, but time-in-rank-wise it may make sense. In any event, that is a face that has seen things. Respect. EDIT: I got the level wrong E-6… but still a big deal.


Defiant-Giraffe t1_itpf4nt wrote

War-time advancement worked a little different than it does today though...


dixieStates t1_itow4vt wrote

Staff Sergeant E-6 one rocker
Sergeant First Class E-7 two rockers

Source: BTDT


whereisstrathmere t1_itoyudn wrote

You know what, I think you’re right. Still, even in E-6 gets a lot of respect.


dixieStates t1_itqecvd wrote

> You know what, I think you’re right.

You bet your ass I'm right.


whereisstrathmere t1_itqprxe wrote

And, speaking as a former service member, I say again that an E6 is equally worthy of respect.