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coffeesocket t1_j91tjnq wrote

zooms in on fruit of the loom logo Yep, no cornucopia. My life is a lie


RepostSleuthBot t1_j919kuf wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time.

First Seen Here on 2022-02-19 100.0% match.

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Full_Temperature_920 t1_j922wpw wrote

I'm so glad I was born in the west. To think there's places in the world where women are shamed for the way the dress


badpuffthaikitty t1_j91ur4e wrote

She’s a brave woman walking across that grate wearing those heels.


whyamihere327 t1_j94uxeg wrote

Really love those 70s bodies . All natural . Pure genetics