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calambre10 t1_j03ogwn wrote

I've been walking that intersection all my life...and I've never thought "ciTy oRdiNancE." If anything...I end up syncing my walk to the house music. I never saw it as selfish...I saw it as adding life.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j03p709 wrote

I got no problem with him playing music. But if you walk your kids past him they’re going to damage their hearing with it that loud. Living in a city means being respectful of other people because we’re all on top of each other. When you blast your music that loud you’re saying you don’t care about other people and that your preferences are more important.

Again, I’m not calling the cops on people doing that. I’m not calling the cops on people who litter. I don’t even call the cops on people I see run red lights. But they’re still selfish assholes.