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Poopin_the_turd t1_j1yb67o wrote

No you're absolutely right. Bob Dylan sucks and I think he's one of those guys that found what worked for him and ran with it. REM and Red Hot Chili Peppers are kind of the same in my opinion both found huge success with borderline nonsense lyrics and ran with it. The two most acclaimed aspects of Bob Dylan are his cryptic and prolific lyrics and his "unusual" voice, both are really terrible and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of fans are just there because they feel they should like his music. I feel like certain artists are just gatekeeping fodder; Bob Marley, Radiohead, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Weezer, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen and so on. Not saying all these artists are bad but there are certain artists that are "you gotta listen to" artists where some gatekeeping friend tells you if you like X genre/artist then you HAVE to like X band because that's their biggest influence or they MADE that scene. And some kid forces themselves to listen to whoever and either reluctantly does so or legitimately falls in love with it but under the pretence that it is somehow imperative that they do so. I've seen plenty of posts here asking how do I like The Beatles, all my friends like them but I just don't get it can someone help me (no joke, I've seen this). Or my friend told me I should like jazz but I'm not really into it. And I feel Dylan is one of those institutions that may have once been seriously radical but is now just not a big deal. Like good comedy used to be a piano falling now it doesn't get a chuckle Bob Dylan probably did mean something but what does he have on new innovation like blazing fast guitar solos and hip hop and a metal band playing instrumental trap music, Run The Jewels? Not much, he sucks and that's ok.


Radiant_Helicopter_7 OP t1_j1ycllp wrote

Yeah I’m more of a music guy myself and the lyrics/vocals come in secondary, but Bob Dylan musically isn’t all that interesting to me aside from a few songs (Hurricane comes into mind), which leaves the lyrics in which I’ve already talked about. He has a terrible voice generally speaking but at least he puts in emotion in his delivery, but that’s basically the only good trait I find in him. So here’s a guy that is average musically, and sings passionately about topics in which he himself doesn’t even have a clue about. How he got the Nobel Prize + legendary status is simply beyond me, but hey, if people truly do find him that revolutionary, good for them.